Kisses (Edited)

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This is not how I envisioned my third week as a mother. I planned on being home surrounded by my children and family. For some reason, the world has decided that they need to know all about my life. Now, I'm sitting here on a talk show set waiting for them to say we're green to go on air. My parents are at my side. They were out here first discussing the emotions they went through losing their child and then finding me again.

I guess I may be a little ahead of myself. During the dinner with my parents and I there had to be at least a hundred paparazzi waiting outside the doors. All of them wondering where the twins were. They even asked for them by name because Logan told some reporter the names.

The word spread about my birth parents and boom. The world spun like wildfire. I wouldn't have thought it would be that interesting. I mean, I'm Logan's glorified baby mama, but people seemed to care so much so they offered my parents a guest spot on TV. My parents wanted to go and show there support to other families to show them there is hope.

So, here I am.

On the air...

I wore bigger clothes so they can't see my gut. I only just gave birth, but that's like ages ago in the entertainment business. Soon as the people have babies they disappear and mysteriously re-emerge with no evidence of their pregnancy at all. I have my arms crossed in front of me to prevent any pictures from looking too close.

The Television Personality, Maggie Sykes, turned to me. "Bella, when did you first begin to suspect that Rupert Rivers was not your real father?"

I did not even think of it. It was Mark not me. "A friend put the thought into my head. I hadn't even thought of it before. He actually went behind my back, but I'm glad he did."  I answered with joy as I looked at both of my smiling parents. My mother actually reached over and squeezed my hand.

Maggie Sykes nodded. She asked a few more questions all of which I answered beautifully. I am glad to have my parents in my life now. I am happy to get to know them and their family. I want them to know the twins. Maggie asked if I had a word to say to the man that did a horrible job of raising me. I declined.

Soon enough, the conversation drifted to where I knew it would drift even before I came onto this show. Maggie Sykes looked over and smiled at me. "What is it like being a new mom to twins?"

I'm sure I beamed as I felt myself smiling from ear to ear. "They definitely are making me grow up. A child is the miracle of life and I am overjoyed every second I spend with the two of them."

"How is Logan Spade being as a father?"

She should ask him. "He's wonderful," I responded.

"He's not afraid to change diapers," she joked.

I shook my head. This chick just keeps fishing. "Not at all."

Maggie Sykes nods. "How is his wife Vanessa during all of this?"

She's a bitch. I clear my throat. "She is handling," I say," This situation is very peculiar. I honestly have no idea how she is feeling, but she has treated me with the utmost grace and kindness. I mean, imagine being in her shoes for just a moment. You're in love and trying to bring a child into the mix only to experience difficulty and lo and behold here is some other woman pregnant with your husbands children. Personally, I think I'd go off the rails a bit." I paused. "I don't know her well enough to speak for her. I will just say she has treated me kindly."

"There are rumors of a separation between Logan Spade and Vanessa. Can you speak on that?"

No. "You would have to discuss that with either of them. My relationship with Logan is we're two people who are parents. We only ever discuss our children not his marriage."

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