About time (Edited)

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Mark and I have been inseparable for awhile now. He is such a good friend to me. And he has started me on some very bad habits. The main one happens to currently be occupying our time day and night. We are playing Left 4 Dead; a video game about zombies. Mark has me playing on the highest level-Insane and I keep dying. I have to admit that this is better than Call of Duty. I have horrible aim.

I felt some pressure below and so I paused the game and stood up. "Are you okay?" Mark asks.

I nodded. "Bathroom." I left and as soon as I sat down the pressure released, I walked back out to Mark. "I'm in labor."

"How long? Remember the doctor said to wait until the contractions are at least five minutes apart."

"My water just broke."

His jaw dropped as he threw his controller onto the sofa. He ran over to me. "Okay, where's your bag?"

"By the door," I said and he ushered us over there. I picked up my bag and we left the house. I was in the passenger side of Mark's car. "I should call Logan."

Mark shook his head. "Lets make sure sure."

I nodded. Although, I've never heard of someone mistaking when their water broke. I obeyed because I had already disturbed him so many times before.

"Feeling contractions, yet." Mark asked once we were in the car and on the way.

I shook my head. I kind of hoped I was. Please, let this be it.

At the hospital, I was let in a room and I had a nurse between my legs trying to figure out if I was dilated. Mark was holding my hand, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I knew the time had arrived.

The nurse looked up smiling as well. "Yup, you're 2cm dilated."

"Yes. I need to call Logan."

The nurse looked at me funny. "You're excited to deliver your twins six weeks early."

Excuse me. "My doctor was planning on inducing me in a few weeks. I was sure I'd go before that. He said he wasn't going to wait until I was forty weeks."

She nodded and left. "She's a bitch." I complained and Mark agreed.

Logan arrived about an hour later, I hadn't dilated any further. He was completely bossy with everyone. Apparently, without my knowledge he had a whole floor dedicated to just me. I understood when because he got there and it was like pandemonium. The hospital was buzzing within moments. Logan wanted me the heck up out of there.

It was nice to have an entire sixth floor just for little old me. Logan even got security to make sure no one but the approved people were able to see me. I was told to walk the halls if I wanted to speed labor up faster. I did this with Logan and Mark by my side though not with each other at the same time.

The contractions kicked in my sixth time around the halls, which forced me back to my room. I'd been in the hospital for over four hours already. Good thing, I had an awesome suite. I didn't even want to know what this thing cost. I had a very comfortable bed, a sofa, a table, even our very own microwave and a pretty decent bathroom.

I was pretty happy that I had Logan's family in here with me. I didn't think the guys would be so interested, but apparently they were. I hadn't spoken to Adam much, but he and Michelle were telling me their wonderful birth stories.

Six hours into the labor, the contractions kicked it up a notch. Instead of being mildly uncomfortable, I was wincing. The nurse told me that I was 4cm dilated. Everything still looked fine since both Baby A and Baby B hearts were beating steadily along. I looked at that monitor like a hawk. I would never stop looking. I needed to see those lines moving. They gave me hope.

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