Ten weeks later (Edited)

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Well, after that hellish interview, I decided to take a separate flight away from the partner of this business transaction. I really couldn't stand to be around him. I don't know why I found myself surprised. It's not like we were friends or anything, I just thought that we were more than what he claimed. I am going to be the mother of his child.

The flight back to the Villa was a good one despite very strange looks from everyone. I had a first class ticket, but it didn't stop people from staring at me. Word somehow got out that I was alone and on that flight. When the plane landed, and as I was leaving the airport, I became surrounded by tons of paparazzi. I swear there were like a hundred or so.

My vision went away after the flashes of all the bulbs. Good thing, Logan had a car there waiting for me. I couldn't have imagined getting there any other way with all the paparazzi. They followed me to the car yelling my name over and over again. Then they followed us all the way back to the villa.

This is the moment where I understood the need for the gates. It was so intense and insane. Logan gave me an earful about it later on when he saw on the news the entire spectacle happening. I was putting his babies in danger and blah blah blah. He was on my crap list so I didn't feel like caring about anything he said. 

Logan went back to filming his movie. He's been to the villa since then, but only to doctors offices to see the babies then he's gone again. Now, we're officially partners in a business transaction. We communicate only when we have to.

Today, he's on his way to come get me and we should be able to find out the sex of the babies.

It seems that I get fatter every time he comes to see me. I no longer see the sense in putting on decent clothes anymore and I know that Logan will say something if I wear sweats so I attempt to dress nicely. I preferred a quiet ride. I slipped on my best black pair of sweats and a nice fitted black shirt. My belly is the star of the show.

My phone rang and I glanced at it. Unknown. I rolled my eyes. That same number keeps calling me and all they do is breathe on the other end. Logan says he has someone trying to figure it out. I told him to get me a new number.

As a matter of fact, I am going to remind him once he gets here.


He's here. I strolled out my door, my fat belly starting to make me wobble more than walk. These kids are going to permanently disable me, I think.

I sat in the back seat with Logan. He's in jeans today and it's a nice change. I don't say anything other than a greeting and the two of us are quiet. We've only had two appointments since the fated interview and the two of us have been acting like strangers ever since.

Today, he surprises me by complimenting me. "You look nice."

I turned to him unsure of what to say. "Is that appropriate for business associates?"

Logan rubbed his head. "Is that what this is all about?" It's true, every other appointment I manage to add sarcasm to every word he says.

I squinted my eyes at him in annoyance and turned away.

"Bella?" He said and I felt compelled to turn to him.

"Logan," I replied.

"Bella, I was only trying to help Vanessa, ease her concerns. I didn't mean anything by it."

I smiled, but it was all fake. "I'm sure you meant no harm at all. I am just the mother to your children."

"She's my wife." He raised his voice.

"So, she can speak to me any kind of way. I didn't ask for this, Logan. I didn't ask to ruin your life by implanting babies inside of me. Hell, I'm a virgin and I'm supposed to give birth to twins."

He sighed. "I don't know, Bella. I am trying to make both of you happy."

I laughed harshly. "I don't need you to make me happy. I am content. You've given me more than I need. I just don't see how you make her happy by belittling me in front of her."

"You're right," he responded.

My jaw nearly hit the floor. I didn't expect him to ever say that.

"That day everything went from zero to sixty and I just needed peace and quiet. I chose the wrong alternative. I'm sorry."

He's sorry. Honestly, I had no idea what to say. I turned away. He needed to know that I didn't forgive easily. Too many people constantly screwing me over.

My mother, the woman who left me days after my birth.

My father, the man who despised me because I reminded him so much of the woman who left him with a child.

My boss, who fired me because of some idiots who claimed I was a part of a robbery scheme and then offered me my job back after the idiots couldn't prove that I was guilty.

The Life Clinic who impregnated me and now Logan Spade, actor extraordinaire, because I am practically the other woman. 

We arrived to the doctors office not to long afterward. I was lying on the bed. The doctor was telling us that everything looked so far so good and he was trying to find the sex of our babies.

"Okay, Baby A is...a boy." I was overcome with joy. I didn't care whether I had boys or girls, but now for some reason I had a really strong desire to have a girl as well. I began to chant in my head as the doctor searched for the sex of our other baby. "Baby B is a...a boy as well."

"Two boys," I said aloud in surprise to no one in particular. I began imagining my life with both of my boys. Perfect. We'd make it somehow, me and them.

"Two boys," Logan echoed. He wore the biggest grin I'd ever seen on anyone.

And then my phone rang. "I think I have a stalker I said."

Logan's grin began to fade. "What?"

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