Family Time (Edited)

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Well, I'm on a plane with guards A, B, and C. I'm not joking either they're Alex, Brian and Charles. Alex is still on alert like someone is going to try to hijack the plane in midair heading for a landing. Brian is attempting to entertain the twins with one of the books I read to them. Surprisingly, because of these insanely funny voices he uses, the both of them are watching and listening intently. Charles is taking this as free time. I think he's asleep.

As for me, I'm sick to my stomach with nerves. I feel like I have to go to the bathroom more than once. I keep adjusting my position in the seat. I have no idea why I feel so uncomfortable. I think it's because I don't know them all yet. I've only spoken to my parents a few times. Now, I was getting a crash course in meeting the whole dang family. There was a thrill and panic set in my bones.

When the plane landed, all three of my guards and I, with the twins, piled into a huge SUV. They flanked the twins and I on all sides. I cursed big time when we pulled out of the parking lot. How in the hell did these people discover that I was here? Outside there were tons of paparazzi that Brian had to drive us through. I ducked down and covered my children. I did not want them to put pictures of my kids in the magazines. They had nothing to do with Logan's career.

"This is crazy," I uttered.

"You're telling me," Alex replied. "These people go ape shit over celebrities."

"I'm not a celebrity."

He laughed. "Honey, you had babies by Logan Spade. You and your children are celebrities."

I groaned. Their lives would never fully be normal. I suppose they could've had my life. I shouldn't even be complaining. I should let them soak it in for all it's worth. I would one day maybe when they're old enough to understand.

It would take us a full thirty minutes to get from the airport to the cabin my parents talked about. ABC refused to let me out of the car until they went inside and fully checked everything out. Then they came back in the car and went over their plan of attack. Apparently, someone would need to be in the front of  the house while someone would be behind the house the whole time. The odd man out would either assist or use the time to sleep. They actually met up with some local law enforcement who would help out. Personally, I didn't think I was that important, but considering my stalker did actually call me a few days before we left. Let's just say, I'm not the fool to turn down help.

ABC finally cleared the twins and I to go inside. Charles carried our bags inside. The place is said to be a cabin, but it looks more like a home to me despite us being seemingly in the woods. It was such a beautiful day out. The sun is shining bright, birds chirping, and squirrels running up trees. I don't think I'm a nature girl, but this is cool.

The cabin is pretty big. Not anywhere near the size of the home I stayed in with the Spade family over Christmas break, but it's nice. In fact, I like it even better. It is far more 'homey', if that's a proper word. I can see why they call it a cabin. The inside of the place has all wood paneling and flooring. We walk straight into the family room which is surrounded with tons of pictures, knitted blankets, and a small dog which makes me instantly raise the car seats a bit higher.

"Roscoe is harmless," Oliver says. "He's more likely to run from you than come to you or the twins."

I nod. I'm still not letting him anywhere near my children. "This is nice." I say.

Gloria smiles. "Ah, we should let you see the rest of the place."

"Where's everyone else?" I ask.

"The children have their own cabins. There much smaller, but since they're married with kids we figured they'd want their own place. We're all in a straight line. It's about a quarter mile that way. We keep a good distance for privacy. I called them and they're on their way."

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