Interview (Edited)

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Logan took no chances with this interview. We had to be at Good Morning America at nine in the morning so starting at six this morning he sent over people to assist in getting me ready for TV.

It's not that I don't appreciate his efforts or the time he took to schedule these people to beautify me. I just am not into hair, makeup, and outfits at six in the morning. So, I may have pouted more or less during the entire ordeal which probably made me seem a bit ungrateful to some.

I arrived to the studio separate from Logan and his wife. I was able to meet with the two of them in a private room while we all got set up to go onto the stage. It seemed Logan would go first followed by his wife and then I would be last.

When I first saw Logan, I expected him to at least comment on my outfit. He is always complaining about what I am not wearing that I thought he'd appreciate the fact that I was pretty much put into a virgin mary lacy dress. Considering, his wife Vanessa was in the room, I guess it was all too well that he didn't say a word about my outfit. She looked pretty. She seemed to always do and despite my personal feelings toward her I wouldn't deny her that. She looked every bit the dutiful wife in a yellow top and knee length skirt matching Logan's navy blue suit.

I only said my hello's and sat down, Vanessa on a sofa and me on a chair as they pinned a mic to me. There was a small TV in the room so we could actually see what Logan was saying:

 As we've been revealing all week, we have Logan Spade here today to discuss with us what exactly is being called the Runaway Baby.

Seriously, that's the best they could come up with and I guess I'm the baby thief. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch as my blood pressure rose. 

Logan has come out on stage and sat next to a male interviewee. The woman sits across from the both of them.

The male begins. "Logan, can you help shed some light on this news? There is so much speculation about what did or did not occur."

"Certainly," he replies. Logan explains the whole situation with the  Life Clinic to them in very simple terms. "My wife and I visited the Life Clinic to assist in conception. The Life Clinic was supposed to mix my 'little guys' with Vanessa's egg and then re-insert the fertilized egg into her uterus. The Life Clinic did their job, but they were supposed to freeze the rest of my 'little guys' for future use. Instead, somehow they inserted my guys into Ms. Rivers, who was only there to donate eggs. That, no one can explain." 

The male nods when Logan is finished. "It has to be difficult knowing your wife cannot conceive, but that some stranger is carrying your child. You have to be wary of their motives. How does this situation feel for you?"

Logan seemed surprised by the question then completely skipped over it. He did it in a way to make them forget they asked the question to begin with.

Then it is time for a break and Vanessa is lead out of the room so that she can go and get ready.

When the show returned, the anchors introduce Vanessa. Right away, I can see the female anchor really try to butter up Vanessa by trying to be her best friend.

"Vanessa, I can't even imagine how difficult this is for you, can you take us back to when you found out?"

"Sure,"Vanessa responds. She tells her side of the story with occasional pauses as she dots tears out of the corner of her eyes. She ends it all by saying how incredibly difficult this whole ordeal has been for her. 

Her, not Logan, not me whose been knocked up against my will. Her. 

The male anchor takes his turn. "Vanessa, would you mind shedding some light on this current living situation the entire nation is discussing?"

"Yes, we had the babies interest at heart. This woman, Bella, she had no money and was going to get thrown out of her apartment soon. Plus, we were worried because the story had just gone public. It was for every ones safety."

I'm furious. How can she say that? Just because I did not have a job at that precise moment did not mean that I was going to be homeless. 

Logan chimes in and agrees with her. Then it is time for another break and I finally get to leave the room so that I can go on stage to tell my story.

"Bella Rivers, please come on stage."

I do as I'm told following the directions of the people behind the camera. Surprisingly, I'm to sit beside Logan as he sits in-between Vanessa and I.

"Thanks for coming onto the show," the male says.

"Thank you," I say. I avoid looking at the camera as much as possible.

"Bella, how is all this affecting you? One day you were just a gas station attendant and the next your living in a villa next to Logan Spade?"

I grind my teeth with her suggestive tone. I want to tell her off, but since this is TV and for Logan, I smile instead. "Uh, it's all very shocking. To tell the truth, I still think it is some dream I am having. But I, we are just trying to make the best of the situation. It is no longer about the three of us. It's about our babies."

"Did you ever consider not having the twins?" The male asks. It is at this moment that I wonder how they knew I was having twins. The thought passes right away. This is the entertainment business, no one knows how they know half the stuff they do. 

I shook my head. " Absolutely not, some people believe in abortion and that's fine and dandy. I do not."

"Do you intend to come between Vanessa and Logan?" The woman asks.

I gasp at the suggestion before narrowing my eyes. "Uh-no." I glance at Logan, annoyed she even asked.

The woman cuts off anything he could say. "Logan, are you aware there are reports that Bella asked an employee from the Life Clinic to implant her with your DNA?"

"That's crazy. I had no idea he was even in the building," I blurted out.

"Is it?" The woman asks. "The employee is also on record saying it is true because the clinic was supposed to be closed except for the one person allowed in that day, you."

"This is absurd." I yelled and stood up. "Screw this, " and I pulled out my mic and left.

I met Logan and Vanessa once more in the car, apparently we can't show up in the same vehicle, but we can leave in one.  I was ticked. I had my legs and arms crossed. The two of them sat opposite of me. Both of them faces telling me I overreacted.

"I won't apologize. You asked me to do an interview not participate in an interrogation."

"I know. I'm sorry, reporters do that sometimes."

Vanessa looked at me funny and I just knew she was going to open her mouth. "But did you do it? Did you pay someone to knock you up?"

"No," I screamed at her.

"Okay," Logan interrupted. "We all need to calm down."

"We," Vanessa echoed. "Oh, I see. You like her, don't you. She's carrying the children I cant have and so you formed some attachment with her."

"Vanessa," Logan called her name as he stared at her.

Her mouth formed an O. "Oh my god," she began to fake cry, and he could not see through her. "I'm being replaced by an eighteen year old version of me. I'm old and you think she's pretty."

Logan scooted closer to her and pulled her into his arms. "Vanessa, stop. You are not being replaced and I do not like her. The only thing going on between Bella and I is a simple business transaction. She is a child. I am a man. You are my wife."


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