All Shall Fade - Chapter 12 - Breaking the Ties (LOTR)

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 12

Breaking the Ties

A month flew by without me even noticing, and soon the day approached when the Fellowship was set to leave Rivendell. I only had one more night in this place before I left it, possibly forever. So help me, if I haven’t gotten home by the time this quest was over, I’m going to march all the way back here and sue Lord Elrond for every single elvish penny he has!

My training with Legolas and Aragorn had ended a few days ago, and Legolas had even presented me with my own bow, quiver and set of two short swords, much like the ones he used. I had to admit, when I was strapped up in all my awesome gear, I actually looked like I knew what I was doing! I couldn’t shift the thought that lay at the back of my mind though, that they were training me to be a killer. The idea of ending anyone’s life sickened me, but when I had asked Aragorn about it, he’d just said; “Kill or be killed Alice. You only have to do it in self-defence; when the time comes, I know you’ll do the right thing.” Somehow I had a feeling that he was putting a little too much faith in me.

I sat on the floor of my bedroom, staring at my few possessions. I was to pack light, so that meant one change of clothes, my weapons, and the clothes on my back pretty much. Come to think of it, that was almost all I owned in this world… Actually, most of it I didn’t own, things like my shirts and boots I’d borrowed from Arwen. I just counted myself lucky that I’d decided to wear leggings that day I went hiking instead of jeans or shorts… I’d be pretty screwed by now if I had. My eyes scanned the floor for anything that I had forgotten to shove into my pack – again, borrowed – and I spotted my battered phone lying on the ground. I had barely looked at it since that first day, so I turned it on and light sprang up behind the cracked screen. No signal - of course. I almost laughed at my weak expectations before I focused on the background photo. Toby, Claire and Me holding Jess as a puppy… I sighed and lightly traced my fingertips over the screen, my heart aching as the familiar sense of homesickness came back to haunt me. The phone bleeped, complaining of low battery, so I turned it off and slipped it into my pocket, just as someone knocked the door.

“Come in!” I called, scrambling to my feet as Arwen slipped through the door, carrying what looked like a bundle of clothes. I smiled as I sat down on my bed and she joined me.

“Um, thanks for letting me borrow your things whilst I was here… And for letting me use the stuff I’m taking with me.” I mumbled awkwardly as she smiled.

“There is no need to thank me; I trust you will use them well.” She nodded, holding out her bundle for me, “These are also for you; you will need them on your journey.” I curiously unwrapped the grey bundle, and my eyes widened as I picked up a dark coat of tough, leathery material, wrapped in a silvery blue-grey cloak.

“Arwen…” I breathed, running my fingers over the gifts, “Thank you.” I smiled.

“They were mine, but I will need them no longer.” She sighed, glancing up at me, “We will not see each other again Alice.”

“What are you talking about?” I frowned, “I know I’m still trying to get home, but if I find a way to get back I’ll try to visit you before I go, or who knows, maybe I’d be able to come back here from my world!” I protested as she shook her head.

“If you do return, I will not be here.” She whispered.

“Arwen?” I tilted my head in confusion as she sighed.

“I am leaving for the Undying Lands Alice; it is my father’s wish.”

“B-but Arwen!” I cried, “What about Aragorn? I thought you two were…” I trailed off as I saw tears glisten in her radiant eyes, and found myself struggling to hold back tears myself.

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