All Shall Fade - Chapter 42 - How to Save A Life

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 42

How to Save a Life

I clutched at the wound on my neck, applying a light pressure on the tender area of skin just below my jugular. Any higher and that bite could have been fatal. I could still feel the steady flow of blood pulsing out between my fingers, trickling down my collar bone and staining my shirt front as I located Aragorn standing a few metres away from me on the battlefield. I slowly walked to his side, sheathing my blades to allow myself more ease of movement as Legolas and Gimli joined him. As I reached Aragorn, the ghostly army materialised before us with the King of the Dead standing in front of them.

“Release us!” The King demanded, staring hard at Aragorn with his hollow, lifeless eyes.

“Bad idea!” Gimli said, adding to the already tense atmosphere, “Very handy in a tight spot these lads; despite the fact they’re dead.”

“You gave us your word!” The King snarled, his eyes suddenly blazing with anger as he suspected us of backing out on our deal.

“I hold your oath fulfilled.” Aragorn said calmly with regal composure. “Go. Be at peace.” The King of the Dead smiled eerily as a gust of whispering wind blew across our path, and the army seemed to dissolve into the breeze, the last to disappear being the ghostly King, who remained smiling peacefully as he vanished forever. I sighed, suddenly feeling as if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. We had done it. We’d won the battle that had been the last attempt to destroy the world of men. Aragorn turned beside me, and I followed his gaze to see Gandalf standing behind us, flanked by Pippin. A smile broke across my face as I saw the pair, although Pippin looked oddly incomplete without Merry at his side. Gandalf smiled at Aragorn, and bowed low to him, causing realisation to wash over me. Of course, Aragorn was free to be crowned King now, and he had every right to be – he had saved the entire city. I couldn’t help but see him in a new light now. He’d come so far from the awkward, hostile Ranger who’d stumbled across me in a forest one day all those months ago. Although in a way, he was still the same Aragorn he had always been. I smiled as he sheathed his sword and turned to me, still eyeing my wound with concern as I held out my hand to him. He took it and pulled me against him, smiling as he kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and finally let myself relax.

“No!” I stiffened at the sound of a despairing cry coming from behind me, releasing Aragorn as I turned to see Eómer flinging himself down onto the ground and gathering a limp body into his arms. “No! No!” He wailed as I took in the long blonde hair of the figure and began running towards him. I jumped over the body of a fallen horse and crashed to my knees beside him, seeing Eówyn’s pale face as her brother cradled her in his arms. My eyes darted over her armoured body, seeing one of her arms bent at a grotesque angle. I quickly took her other arm and pressed my fingers against her wrist, breathing a sigh of relief as I felt her weak pulse.

“She’s alive.” I breathed, turning to Eómer. “Eómer she’s still alive.” He looked up at me, his eyes filled with tears as I stood, scanning the ground and praying I wouldn’t see another streak of long, blonde hair amongst the numerous corpses. I quickly patted Eómer’s shoulder and began walking around; rolling over corpses of men and Orcs alike, until I saw something that made me feel like a stone had been dropped into my stomach.

“Eowdrin!” I cried, running towards the small form that lay sprawled in the dirt. I fell to my knees beside her as I rolled her over, frantically checking her pulse as I grimaced at her large head-wound. I found myself able to breathe again as I saw the slight rise and fall of her chest, and felt tears gathering in my eyes as she groaned. I couldn’t help but smile with relief as her pale blue eyes opened and looked up at me in dazed confusion as I took her hand in mine. “I thought the plan was you were supposed to look after yourself?” I choked.

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