All Shall Fade - Chapter 39 - What Lies Beyond

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 39

What Lies Beyond

***Alice’s Point of View***

I blinked awake after being pulled out of my baffling dream, and blearily looked around.

“Aragorn?” I whispered on confusion, seeing him crouching over me.

“Ssh,” He murmured, stroking my hair, “It’s alright, go back to sleep.” I sighed and was about to allow myself to slip back in to my sleepy haze, when I realised that he had changed back into his travelling clothes.

“Where are you going?” I asked, propping myself up on my elbow so I was more at his eye-level. I had meant my question to sound stronger, but my voice was still slurred by the remains of sleep.

“Nowhere,” He soothed, “Sleep Alice.” I frowned, hearing the notes of choked hesitation in his voice.

“You’re lying.” I stated softly, noticing how he seemed to be unable to make eye contact with me. He’d never lied to me before, and it hurt. But as I noticed the sword hanging at his side, I remembered my dream, and I realised I knew why. “You’re going into the mountain, aren’t you?” He still wouldn’t look directly at me, so I knew I was right. I sighed and sat up properly, reaching out and lightly touching his cheek and tilting his face towards me. “Don’t go.” I begged in a low whisper as he reached up and covered my hand with his, gently closing his fingers around mine and lifting my hand away, as if attempting to physically separate us, but he still continued to hold my hand. I could clearly remember the feeling of dread I had experienced in my dream when I had seen him walk down that haunting path, and I knew I couldn’t let him go.

“I must.” Aragorn insisted quietly, yet still with an amount of strained authority. I could see that whatever reason he had for leaving, it was important. Important enough for him to go charging off on the eve of battle without a word of warning or a single goodbye.

“Then let me come with you.” I pleaded, and I saw his eyes darken before he quickly stood, his hand slipping out of mine.

“You cannot come with me.” He said, turning away, “Go back to sleep Alice.”

“You think I can just go back to sleep?” I scoffed in disbelief, kicking away my blankets and scrambling to my feet, “You think I can forget that you’re risking your neck by running off on your own?”

“It’s a risk I have to take.”

“Well I’m not going to let you take it on your own.” I muttered determinedly, staring at his back, before he turned to face me.

“Alice, no.” He said firmly, and I scowled, turning away to go and find my things.

“There’s no question about it – I’m coming with you.” I growled, picking up my swords. As I was about to begin belting their sheaths to my waist, Aragorn snatched them off me, and I glared at him. “Give those back.” I hissed, reaching for them but he held them out of my reach. It may have looked pretty funny if not for the fact that I was seething with anger at his stubborn attitude.

“Not until you return to your bed.”

“Not gonna happen.” I scowled, turning away and snatching my coat up and pulling it on. “Have it your way, keep the swords – but if I die out there because I wasn’t armed, who’s fault will it be? Have fun wiping thatoff your conscience.” As I passed my arms through the sleeves of the coat and reached for my boots, I felt Aragorn’s hand on my shoulder, stopping me as he dropped my swords on the ground. “Remember Helm’s Deep?” I asked, keeping my voice as steady as I could as I stared at the ground, “You tried to keep me ‘safe’ there too. And I still managed to follow you.” I turned to face him and stared defiantly into his stormy eyes. “I’ll do it again if I have to.” He frowned at me, releasing my shoulder and turning to walk out of the tent. “You can’t force me to stay away!” I cried, beginning to walk after him, but he halted, refusing to turn towards me, “I’m not going to let you run off and get yourself killed.” I softened my tone, hoping to persuade him by sounding more reasonable.

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