Chapter 2

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It's dark out. The sun had set a little over an hour ago, taking the scorching heat along with it, leaving a chill in the air.

I am currently sitting with my back against a wall in a lone alleyway just below the palace which rests peacefully on the hill overlooking the vibrant city. I am waiting; waiting for the signal of a simple yet brisk whistle.

I look down at my attire consisting of my nicer clothes. It is not a dress or anything like that for the matter but in fact what I am wearing is lightweight knee high boots, perfect for the job I am about to do.

The long sleeved shirt and pants tucked into my boots are dark and work well with my hooded cape. This is my better attire, they are more comfortable. When someone says that they have a more favourable outfit, you would expect beautiful dresses or elegant suits, not what I have...

As to what happened after Lord Patrick spoke to me, I familiarized myself with the city for a while before paying a kind old lady for a room for the night. Although I would not sleep in it, I used it to keep my few belongings safe as I would not be able to take my bag with me.

Somehow the person Lord Patrick sent had found me, it gives me the creeps. Ever since our meeting, I had become more aware of my surroundings. I was not happy with the fact that he could find me so easily.

Anyway, enough about that. The person who arrived was a girl probably age 9 or so. She came bearing the information that I needed.

I heard the whistle. Well, that's my queue. I got up and dusted off my pants before making my way towards the awaiting cart.

I see Lord Patrick's plan is officially set into action. The first part is the distraction. One of his men have a scheduled arrival to deliver kitchen supplies. This late at night I know, is crazy, but it seems as if it were a normal thing.

I swiftly snuck round the corner towards the cart where it was waiting patiently for my arrival. We were just round the block of the castle gate, hidden from sight.

There is only one way in and one way out of the palace and that is through the main gate, which is heavily guarded.

I easily got underneath the cart which was pulled by two worn out horses who by the looks in their eyes, had long since accepted being a cart horse.

I latch onto the bottom of the cart, pulling myself up. Letting go with just one hand, I use it to tuck any bits of clothing which may drag and create unwanted attention, before giving a slight knock on the bottom of the cart signalling for the man to continue on towards the castle. I braced myself as cart started to move.

To say that I am scared or worried or even nervous would be an understatement, I am truly terrified. Terrified of the fact that I might fail, terrified that this was all a set up and most of all I am terrified that I might never get my dagger back.

The slow clompitty-clomp of the horses hooves are rather soothing. They are peaceful with their constant rhythm. To say that holding on to the bottom of a cart is nice, would be a complete lie. My fingers are getting sore and changing from their lovely peachy colour to a deathly white as my grip strains.

Come on, come on. I silently plead. Surely it can't take that long just to head around the block towards the castle gates. I was starting to get a bit agitated.

Finally finally, the cart came to a stop. "State your business stranger!" I heard a voice shout. Must be a guard.

"I have kitchen and more food supplies." Lord Patrick's man yelled back. I heard some shuffling. I quickly dropped and quietly rolled into the side gutter. I know that they are going to raise the gates but not all the way, just enough so that the guard can pass through.

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