Chapter 38

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"Wait, you had boobs all this time, so you are female!?" One of the soldiers uttered out, Bjorn I think his name was.

"You have the worst observation skills ever. I could tell from the moment that I met her." Vorn stated like a proud child.

"Okay yes, she is a girl. Now settle down, we gave a lot more important things to do and plan," Ivor spoke clearly, pulling me a little closer to his side in the process, "Vorn, you and Skyler here need to sneak into the palace, to inform the Queen of the current situation. You need to hand her this. Do not break this seal no matter what."

Ivor handed Vorn a sealed scroll. The seal had a unique pattern on it, a pattern that I had never seen before, it was much like the one Prince Edward handed to me to give but it had minor differences.

"Why do I have to take her with me? She will just slow me down and jeopardize the mission." Vorn complained.

"Because she has been the only person in decades to successfully break into the palace. She knows what she is doing."

Vorn looked startled and confused.

"What?" his eyebrows scrunched together.

General Ivor leaned forward ever so slightly towards him and loudly whispered with the intention of all to hear.

"She broke into the palace and got out in one night after stealing something very precious to this kingdom."

"But-what-how-" Vorn looked bewildered and was at a loss for words. The other soldiers looked equally as taken back.

"I will explain later. For now trust her okay. She is going with you."

Vorn still slightly flabbergasted nodded in response.

"Good that settles it then. If anything happens or goes wrong send the signal and if you don't return in twelve hours to the Western gate outpost, it will be assumed mission failed. Hopefully it won't result in that or we will have to resort to violence in plan B. You may take your leave now."

Giving a slight nod, I turned to leave but just before I could, Ivor gently grabbed my bicep and whispered in my ear, "You better stay safe. I don't want to see you hurt. Although annoying, you have kind of grown on me." He lightly teased but I could hear the serious undertone of his voice.

"Oh please, you are the annoying one and don't say that I have grown on you, we were childhood friends and that is it." I huffed in a whisper back.

"When this scandal is over, I plan to change that."

"Oh shut up. Go do your job as a General and stay safe yourself Weirdo." I brushed him off. I knew he playing.

As I turned to leave, I heard him let out a soft chuckle.

"You really are something else."

The hard truth was that Ivor was someone I cared about and I needed him to be safe as well. I did not want to lose that cute butt. The world did not deserve to be without it. Out of all the men I have seen in my life, he by far has the best butt, it is just so well toned gosh. I was amused at my thoughts even though they were very much true.

"So, Ms. I-Broke-Into-The-Palace, what exactly did you break in to steal?" Vorn asked while we were walking along one of the streets.

"You are to curious for your own good."

"Oh come on! Please, please, please tell me? It is killing me, I need to know." He begged.

"Fine." I gave in, I had a feeling that he wouldn't let it go if I did not.

He smiled in victory.

"I was ordered to break in and steal the royal jewels, although in my defence, at the time I had no idea what exactly it was that I was stealing..."

If possible, Vorn looked even more shocked than he had earlier.

"What?! That is crazy. Did you succeed? Who ordered you? Where were the jewels? How could you steal something without knowing what it was? How did you know to steal those exactly? I'm sure you had inside help, there is no way someone like you could do it alone..." He pondered after the many questions.

"Hey, that's offensive. What do you mean someone like me, I could have been perfectly capable of pulling that off on my own you know without any help." I defended myself purposefully ignoring his million questions.

"After I asked you all that, that is all you heard? Unbelievable." Vorn complained in childish annoyance.

I chuckled. "Okay fine. For the record, I did succeed and it was your very own father who made me do although I did not want to. He knew the exact location of the jewels that evening. They were also in the only bag in said location. Does that answer your questions?" I let out a breath.

"No it has only sparked on more!" Vorn continued to complain.

"So you aren't shocked that it was your father?" I eyed him strangely.

"Well yeah but after what I heard about all he has done, especially about killing my brother and betraying the kingdom, honestly I'm not really surprised anymore. I think that I would have been more surprised if you had mentioned anyone else." He spoke sadly.

"You know, I for one did not really know the Commander for that long but he was someone truly remarkable," I sadly smiled at his memory, the wound was still very much sore and I nearly started crying, "But, I will never forgive your father for what he did. To make matters worse, he killed Tyron with my very own blade which has fucked me up psychologically. I am sorry but I truly hate that man with all my being."

I couldn't face Vorn.

"I understand, do not apologise, I hate him too. When I was younger, before my mother died, I would often ask if I could go out and play with my older brother, Tyron. Although he was only a half-brother, I much preferred him compared to my other two older full brothers. Father would often scold me and warned me not to play with him, but I never listened. Ty was my favourite. He taught me how to see the world differently and he was always there for me no matter what. I could speak to him about anything and he always listened and helped where he could. He never burdened me with his own problems and I hated it." Vorn paused for a bit.

"For some reason father really abhorred him however. I never understood why. One day he caught us playing and he angrily stopped us and forcefully dragged Ty away somewhere. I did not seem him for a few days after that and when I did, Ty looked horrible. I was little, I believed my mother when she said he had been sick but now that I think about it all, I realise that that was far from it. Father had badly beaten him."

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