Chapter 35

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Never in a century would I have thought to be kissing a crown prince. A heir the throne.

When I realised what we were doing, I was at a shock. The worst part was I was definitely kissing him back and I have to admit it, it felt pretty good.

What the fuck are you thinking Skyler?! He is the Prince!

At that moment when it dawned on me, I pushed him away. What the hell were we doing?!

When we pulled apart, I couldn't face him. My face was beet red, I cloud feel the heat radiating off of it. I felt hotter than the sun could ever be, even my ears were on fire.


Prince Edward looked surprised at first but now I could hear him chuckling slightly.

"Hey, you know your face is all red?"

I don't know how it was humanly possible but it happened, my face got even redder.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" I dropped all formalities in a fit of embarrassment and flustered anger. I probably looked very comical right now.

"You are one to talk, if I don't fail to recall, you kissed me back." He had a cheeky look grace his features.

I couldn't look at him anymore. I was ashamed, I was embarrassed and it was all his fault.

"But if I may Ms Black, I-" he was cut off by the arrival of a distressed looking solider.

"Your Highness, please pardon me for this interruption. I have an urgent message from General Ivor. He has successfully located General Zhan, but unfortunately I regret to inform your majesty that General Zhan has betrayed the kingdom along with two other commanders. The royal army has suffered a great loss due to this. More than a third of the troops have followed them. We are down to an estimation of sixty thousand. Enemy numbers however are at an estimated one hundred thousand men now." The soldier bowed his head low to the ground as he spoke.

Prince Edwards mood seemed to darken. He was beyond angry. I dare say he was the definition of 'pissed' right now. The solider in front could feel it too and trembled slightly under his gaze.

"Tell the men to fasten the pace, we depart in five minutes for the capital. I need the knights to ride up front leading the march. I need someone to fetch my steed but before that, I need to know Ivor's current location." The Prince ordered, his beautiful voice laced with strong, raging, prominent authority.

"My Prince, he is in route to the capital as we speak. The General has fifty strong men alongside him and is expected to arrive in the early hours of the morning."

The Prince seemed to ponder on this for a moment.

"Saddle up the two fastest horses we have and get me Vorn. You are dismissed."

The solider stood up and quickly ran away to bark out the orders that were just given.

"Apologies Ms Black, we will have to finish this later as much as I don't want to but for now little thief, I have an important request for you, please come with me." He turned around towards his tent.

"I am very much aware of your agility and light feet. I need you and Vorn to go ahead of us meet up with Ivor and sneak into the capital city, preferably the castle like you have done previously before and relay this information to my mother but I warn you, there are many eyes watching in the capital. So tread carefully." He handed me a scroll which he just wrote with the royal seal binding it shut.

I nodded and turned to leave, not waiting for him to dismiss me like a rude disrespectful idiot but I blame it on the urgency and importance of this mission. Unfortunately before I could even step out of the tent, I felt him approach me from behind and stop me by putting an arm over my shoulder.

"Before you leave, I need you to tell me something little thief," he breathed silently against my ear causing all my hair on the back of my neck to rise.

"Although I have pardoned you, I still haven't properly punished you for your crimes against not only me but the entire kingdom so how should I punish you when this is all over?" He gently dragged his thumb along my lips while holding a cocky smirk.

"I have an idea..."

This can't be good. Que guy for face to go red again as naughty perverted thoughts filled my mind.

"But I need you to survive first. Don't die."

He let me go and walked right passed me acting as if nothing just happened there. My face was still very crimson on colour unfortunately.

Gosh that infuriating man! I don't understand him. How can he be acting like that in a situation like this?! I never pegged him to be someone like that, I thought he was a very kind and well respected person but I guess he is just a sadistic gorgeous strange Prince.

Emotionally I felt like I had just been on a roller-coaster within the time span of twenty-four hours. At this reminder I was saddened again recalling all the events that took place but the I realised something. The Prince had distracted me from theses emotions and for some reason I had the gut feeling that he had done that on purpose. I was actually grateful.

So lost in my thoughts I didn't notice that I had arrived at two horses that were being held by Vorn who was might I add, busy communicating with Prince Edward.

"As much as I respect you cousin, stop giving me horses to ride, you know how much bad luck I have controlling these dumb animals. They just never listen!" Vorn complained. Prince Edward just turned and walked away completely ignoring his younger cousin and merely dismissed him and his futile cries with a simple wave from behind.

Vorn huffed in annoyance but mounted one of the horses anyways. I mounted the one next to him and soon we were off, Vorn leading the way while mumbling some incoherent stuff under his breath. These horses were flipping fast and before I knew it we were full on galloping.

Vorn was only good at making the horse go forward, other than that he pretty much sucked. His steering was horrible and he nearly crashed into a number of trees along the way with might I add involved a beautiful vocabulary of colourful words.

I really hope that we were going in the right direction. I was actually convinced we were lost at one point after five continuous draining hours of riding but my doubts were fortunately erased when we were confronted by a number of armoured men who seemed to be stationed waiting for orders.

Upon our arrival, we were confronted by a number of soldiers wearing this kingdoms armour and once were were identified to be in association with this kingdom, mainly due to Vorn's armour, we were let through.

"Sky and Vorn?"

Ivor looked slightly surprised to see us. Especially me but once he was fully filled in on the situation he seemed upset but determined to see through this mission no the less.

Upon this explanation, I noticed how tired I actually was. I was really drained both emotionally and physically. I was somewhat struggling to keep my eyes open and my body was swaying slightly. I closed my eyes for a second and before I knew it, I had nearly fallen off the horse and face planted onto the hard ground. I was jolted awake when someone caught me last second.

"Hey now, careful. Oi Bjorn, you take my horse, I will ride with this solider and can someone please ride with Vorn, that idiot is the worst rider I have ever seen. I'm surprised that he even made it here in one piece." Ivor teased slightly in an attempt to lighten up the sombre mood. What an alluring voice my sleepy mind hazily thought failing to register anything else.

"Fuck off Ivor." Vorn cursed.

"Ahh what foul language. Who taught you to speak like that?" Ivor rhetorically said as I felt him mount up behind me. Soon I was enveloped in warmth as two arms moved to my sides and grabbed the reins from my hands.

My back instinctively lent against his chest as he shifted me and moved me slightly forward successfully moving my feet out the stirrups. I was to tired to care.

I faintly heard some cursing in the background most likely from Vorn.

Ahh this smell. Ivor smelt so good I thought as I felt the horse jolt forward into a slow canter. My mind fell asleep not a second after.

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