Chapter 30

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I was left to rest for a couple more hours before I was rudely awoken with a jab to my cheek and some whispering.

"Um, I think she is dead..."

"Oh shut up and just move, I will tell you if she is really dead or not 'cause you are just an idiot."

Another poke to my cheek. I let out an annoyed grunt and my eyes shot open as a lifted my head up. Big mistake.

My forehead knocked into Jessie's causing a flashing pain to erupt from that spot and a loud girlish yelp from Jessie to occur. I slumped back down and once the pain subsided sent a glare towards him while he clutched his head and Warren let out a soft giggle.

"That hurt you know!" Jessie angrily grumbled.

"Well it's your fault, what on Earth were you thinking?" I wheezed out, regretting it soon after as my throat was still dry and scratchy.

Warren came to my side immediately and helped me sit up, handing a mug of boiled water and herbs to sip on while Jessie grumbled like a child.

I let out a soft sigh in content as my throat was met with the warmth of the water and healing properties of the herbs, immediately soothing it.

"Thank you." I gave a soft small  smile.

"We were so worried about you, you know... When you collapsed, we freaked. I am just glad our Prissy Guard is okay." Warren said as he playfully ruffled my hair.

"You aren't upset that I am... You know?" I asked cautiously while gesturing to myself.

"Why would we be?" Jessie quit grumbling and replied.

"Yeah he is right you know. Honestly I had my doubts but that is only because the Commander didn't peg me as the gay type." At the mention of the Commander, a sadness could be felt in the air.

His death was still raw and hadn't settled yet.

"I'm so sorry..."

I wasn't able to save him. I was pretty much useless the whole time. Not only did I let Patrick get away but I let him kill Commander Tyron in front of me just like that.

"Please don't blame yourself for his death. We all know that it was not your fault. There was nothing you could have done to save him. If anything Warren and I could have done a better job. We could have attacked sooner, we could have saved him and destroyed Lord Patrick once and for all but we didn't..." Both Warren and Jessie held their heads down in shame.

"You two can't blame yourself either. It is definitely not your faults now come here." I put down the mug and gestured for them to hug me to which they reluctantly complied.

The three of us hugged. I could feel a few tears slip from my eyes but I was grateful for these two morons.

"Thank you." I softly spoke as we let go, wiping away my tears in the process.

"Oh shit, she is crying. What do we do?! What do we do?!" Jessie panicked.

"No please don't cry. Please, I don't know what to do when girls cry!" Warren started panicking too.

I just let out a quiet chuckle at their overreacting.

"Calm down. I have stopped."

"Phew, thank goodness." Warren said. They both looked relieved.

"Oi, what are we gonna call you now since you know... Prison Guards are only men and well, you don't have any testicles?" Jessie asked causing Warren to elbow him in the side.

"You can't speak to a girl like that Moron."

They glared at each other.

"Well just call me Sky then. You know the name that I have been asking you to call me for a while now before all this."

They just blinked at me dumbfounded.

"Wait, is that really your real name?!" Warren gasped.

"I always thought that you were making it up because I mean I have never met a guy with such weird name like that before." Jessie gave me a wide eye stare.

"Well I have met a lot of guys with the name Sky thank you very much and no Sky is not my full name, it is Skyler. I just shortened it." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. What a lame name..." Jessie said as he spoke in his version of a whisper which I could clearly hear to Warren who nodded in agreement.

I flicked both of them on the ear causing them to let out a small yelp each. Gosh they were like children. I chatted with them for a bit longer and by the time that they had left, I felt like I had lost a few brain cells.

Warren had told me that I was forgiven for kissing Alice, his love of his life, because I was a girl and apparently if I want to, I was more than welcome to kiss him too. This caused Jessie to argue with him that Alice was his and no one would ever want to kiss "Warren's fat lips".

They then argued who was the better match for her which result in them trying to get me to judge which I just turned down.

Jessie had gone on to complain that the tent that I was in was way better than his and Warren's –yes apparently they share a tent.

When I finally managed to kick them out, I was really feeling exhausted. My fever was starting to go up again and sleep was begging me to embrace it to which I comfortably did.

When I woke up again, my fever had died down and I was feeling much better. I was still a little weak but the herbal blend Warren had given me had done wonders.

I was alone for a while, left to my thoughts. I finally gave myself time to process everything. I fully embraced my feelings and let myself silently feel all my pent up emotions. Although it was hard, it felt good. I was still very upset and mentally scarred from the whole ordeal but I felt much better.

One of the flaps for the tent flew open signalling that someone had entered. The cool air swirled around me causing a few of my short hairs to flutter over my eyebrows.

I knew that I had to face him sooner or later.

Prince Edward stood before me, a frustratingly emotionless expression on his face. His eyes met mine.

I knew I was to be executed for sure now. It was law. I guess I was trying to ignore that fact with everything else that has happened. I broke eye contact and looked away. I guess that it is inevitable now. I will definitely for sure this time meet my maker.

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