Chapter 42

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"Now off you go Vorn and take Ms Skylar Black with you, meet me the throne room, I need a few minutes to gather my thoughts."

Vorn let out another mumbled complaint, turned around and stomped out the door. I gave a quick bow in respect to the Queen and followed after him.

"Stupid Josiah... Why him of all the people in this stupid kingdom?..." Vorn continued to childishly complain.

We stopped at the doors where the two Palace guards were posted. Before we passed through however Vorn turned to speak to them.

"You Guard, where is that idio-" I elbowed him in the ribs and gave him the 'don't be rude'  look. Vorn just rolled his eyes and let out a huff.

"I mean, where might I find the general of the royal guard?" He spoke through clenched teeth and a creepily forced smile with a deadly aura.

The guard he was addressing flinched a little.

"Um.. Er... G-General Jo-Josiah is busy gambling in the s-servants quarters." The poor guy was sweating as he stumbled over his words.

Vorn who has satisfied at the answer stormed off in what I presume the right direction.

"Sorry for that." I apologised to the guard and chased after him.

A number of twists and turns later, we made it to our destination. Vorn was walking like a fast maniac the entire time telling me to keep up  so I was huffing and puffing by the time we arrived.

Vorn did not even give me a minute to catch my breath and instead started roughly kicking doors down room by room still muttering incoherent words under his breath in the process.

By the 27th room we reached, there was a loud feminine squeal followed by some giggles and laughter when the door was kicked open.

"There you are you piece of shit!" Vorn exclaimed while standing in the doorway. I peered around him to gauge the scene.

In a tiny bedroom with two beds there where five people, four of which were beautiful young maids. One was sitting on one of the beds, the other two were on the floor and the forth one was sitting comfortably on the man's lap. Before them on the floor was a set of playing cards and coins.

The man had a lazy smile on his face as he held onto the busty maid in his arms who had her cleavage slightly exposed, swollen lips and ruffled messy hair.

"Hello to you too little brother. Long time no see. Care to join us?" The man spoke still keeping his lazy smile.

The maids giggled and the one sitting on the bed got up and tried to grab Vorn's hand and drag him into the room with them.  Vorn yanked his hand away so quickly as if something had burned him.

"Stop your shit, the Queen has summoned you." Vorn glared.

General Josiah lifted up his arm and brought a drink to his lips hardly paying heed Vorn's words and flexed his muscular arm a little to show off to the girl on his lap who just giggled.

"Come on Vornie, relax a little, you look so tense."

"This is serious." Vorn was getting even irritated with him.

"Isn't it always. Now sit with us, let's catch up." He brushed his words off.

"Dammit Josiah, Tyron is fucking dead! This is not the time!" Vorn swung his arm out to the wall beside him, slamming his fist against it. This startled the maids.

Josiah abruptly stood up gently pushing the maid off him and walked right up to Vorn and pushed him against the wall with his arm harshly pressed up against his neck.

"If this is your idea of some form of a sick joke to get my attention, you better fucking pray." He threatened.

Vorn kept a stern look and did not yield, he showed no fear to his brother's threat or actions. Realising what this meant, Josiah let him go and took a step back, shock taking over facial expression.

Vorn turned a walked out the door, accidentally slightly bumping into me in the process.

"I will say it again, the Queen has summoned you brother, best you make haste." I could tell Vorn was pissed as he threw in the last word as he left and began making his way back down the corridor with me hot on his heels.

"Sorry ladies, we will have to continue this another time." I heard General Josiah half- heartedly apologise followed by complaints from the maids before he sprinted to catch up to us.

His shoulder length hair was ruffled and the first couple of buttons were undone on his shirt exposing his buff chest and some chest hair. He was slightly taller than Vorn but shared a lot of features.

While he was fixing his appearance, he spared me a short glance before returning his gaze to his brother as he fell in step beside him.

"Tell me everything."  General Josiah ordered.

Vorn closed his eyes for a bit before opening them again.

"Our father murdered him."


"Let Aunt fill in the details, we are here now."

Two large doors opened before us revealing the large yet beautifully designed throne room.

The Queen who was now dressed and presentable could be seen through an open hidden doorway behind the thrones. She turned as soon as she heard our entry.

"Good the three of you are here. Come in." She ordered us into the room and had it close behind us.

The room was large and had a large dark wood table in the centre with a massive detailed map of the capital laid out on top of it with small wooden figures littered across it.

"Have you two filled him in?" The Queen asked Vorn and I refering to Josiah.

"No, not yet." Vorn answered.

"Josiah. I need you to read this." She handed him the scroll I had given to her earlier from Prince Edward.

Josiah's eyebrows scrunched up. A look of shock, anger, sadness and grief graced his features as he made his way  through its contents.

He was given a moment to himself afterwards before her majesty spoke once again.

"Josiah, I know you cared deeply about your brother and want to grieve but as much as I hate it right now, we need to stop Patrick first. As you read, he marches as we speak."

Josiah glanced up as he moved towards the map with a determined look.

"Tyron was a good man. I will make sure his death was not in vain, but you are right. There is no time to grieve right now. Aunt, we need to relay this message to the gates."

"We need a strategy first, do not rush to quickly or we will lose control of the capital. I have summoned my chief strategist but he is no where to be found so I was wondering Josiah, when was the last time you saw him?"

Josiah's eyes widened slightly before they narrowed.

"Richard was always 'daddies favourite' twin you know that. I would not be surprised if he betrayed us as well. I haven't seen that pathetic stuck up coward of a brother for three weeks and it has been great." Josiah snarled.

Do none of the brothers like each other?  I could not help but wonder.

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