Chapter 12

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I lost track of time just lying on the floor doing nothing. I have accepted my death. A large wave of memories passes through my mind.

I remember being a young little girl playing in the garden of my home. It had just rained so everything was all muddy and wet but I did not have a care in the world. This to me was what heaven felt like. I preferred playing outside and getting all dirty and muddy compared to that of being cooped up all day inside however being a daughter of a Knight it was frowned upon to be like this and mother would always shout along with Rida who was the servant put in charge of me.

I remember that I snuck out as Rida had made me stay inside while the heavens opened and poured down on earth. She said I would get sick if I went out in the rain and that I need to continue my lessons on playing the harp. Luckily she soon fell asleep as the rain began to stop its down pour.

I remember I built something out of the mud I had found. It wasn't anything fancy but big whods of mud stacked up together with some sticks that were supposed to be arms and a crooked smiley face with two stones as eyes. That was my mud man and I was proud of it.

I sat there grinning happily at my creation at the bottom of the garden covered head to toe in mud but I couldn't have been more happier however I knew Rida would definitely not be impressed by this but I couldn't care less.

I didn't notice the figure heading towards me until it spoke from right beside me making me shriek slightly in fright.

"Wow great mud man!" It was a boy my age grinning as he looked at my creation. I felt myself swell up with more pride at his reaction towards my mud man.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"I am Ivor." Greenish blue eyes smiled at me lending me a hand to help me get up. I took it gracefully noticing how he was not bothered by my muddy state.


"That is a pretty name. So do you want some help to make another one?" He asked pointing at my mud man. I smiled at him happily accepting his offer.

My eyes widened ever so slightly at the memory that I just saw. Why remember that now of all times? I guess it at least answered my earlier question of where and when I had met him once but surely that wasn't the only time we met because my muddy and child like appearance has definitely changed. I am not covered in mud firstly and secondly I am no longer 6 years old. I know that we met more than once, he even said so himself.

It was quiet in this cell however I could look out of the bars that surrounded it unlike the previous cell that I was in. The cells around me were empty save for a body in the last cell that has not moved since I have been here. I have a feeling the person is either sleeping, knocked out cold or worst case has recently just died. I shiver slightly at the thought.

I heard some footsteps approaching once followed by the soft jingling of keys as they entered the lock of my cell. It opened with a loud screech before it was closed again as someone had stepped in.

I turned my head slightly to see who it is and see that it is the General again. I sat up and waited for him to speak. He looked a bit uncertain and frustrated. His hair was tousled and his eyes were hard with his lips pulled into a firm line as he stared at me for a minute before finally talking.

"Your hanging is in an hour from now... We don't have much time but look, Edward knows of your name but not of who your real father is unlike myself..."

To say I was confused would be an understatement. He called the Prince by his first name and to make matters worse I was kind of worried where this conversation might be headed. Maybe the Prince has changed the way he wish's that I be brought to death.

"I am sure you have seen the statue of your real biological father Gerard of the Iron Soul near the south entrance of the Capital city and I am sure you know why it was made?"

I stared blankly at him. Of course I knew, It was put up 2 months after fathers death. I was 7 years old at the time and I remember standing with my mother just looking at it as strangers passed by like it meant nothing to them. Mother was crying  because we had just lost everything when he died.

Gerard Black was known to be one of the top knights in the kingdom. He was so great that he was one of the Generals serving right under King Magnus the second who was Prince Edward's and Prince Henry's father.

During the Great War of the South he was said to have fought alongside the King as his right hand protecting him countless of times from enemy attackers. When the war was nearing to an end it was said that as the enemy's last resort, they managed to kidnap a young Prince Edward who was around 8 years of age that time.

My father was said to have sacrificed his life to successfully save the prince. It is a story known everywhere however I can barely remember what my father looks like. If it was not for that statue I would have long forgotten for when mother remarried the Baron a year later, he became my new father figure.

"He saved the Prince and by doing that he saved the Kingdom." I answered his question.

"Yes exactly this could save your life however I did not mention this to Edward as I thought it was irrelevant at the time and it is to late now since he has left to the Western territories... Look all I am trying to say is that just because you are a petty thief who stole the Royal Jewels among other things," he rolled his eyes slightly as he said that, " you returned the Jewels back even at the risk of your life so even though the fact that this goes against every single one of my morals and could have me killed..." He trailed off.

"I am willing to help you get out of this mess..." He spoke quietly while eying the body in the last cell.

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