Chapter 33

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I could only hear my pulse as it pounded in my ears like a beating drum. My nerves were just about shot but I refused to let my mind loose focus on the task at hand.

Alice was on the ground before me. Her breaths were coming out in sharp painful short gasps as she wheezed for air. She kept drifting in and out of conscious but I could tell that she was fighting for survival. She did not want to let go.

I did not know what to do. I knew that I was not equipped to pull the arrow from her chest. It would only kill her faster and chances are that she had severe internal bleeding but I couldn't leave it in either.

Jessie was tying up the unconscious soldier he captured to the base of a tree just 15 metres away. I doubt that even if he was helping me that he would be of any use regarding Alice's dire condition.

I felt a hand grab mine, startling me slightly. I drew my eyes down and looked into the eyes of the owner. Alice's pained eyes gazed back.

"I... I'm-" she started coughing, "-sorry.." more blood continued to be coughed up.

"Don't, you are going to be alight Alice!" I stressed.

"N-no... I don't want-" cough, "-to die... I'm sc-" she started frantically coughing again and trying to gasp for air, "-I'm scared..."

There was blood everywhere. I started panicking like a made woman. Tears pouring from my eyes.

Alice held a frightful yet painful expression on her face. Her eyes where widened and she looked terrified beyond compare.

I was terrified. I didn't know what to do.

Help me...

Someone please...

Help her...

Alice stopped coughing. She had stopped breathing. Her hold on my hand had gone slack. Her eyes were still widened in fear but now held a dull and lifeless look.

Her soul had left her body.

She had left this world and gone off to another.

"NO, no , no Alice, don't leave!" I frantically shook her shoulders knowing full well that it was useless but I was not prepared to let her go. I did not know her very well but I was beginning to. She did not deserve to die.  I felt utterly useless.

First my family then Tyron then Warren and now her. Why does everyone die around me? Why do they all keep leaving me in this pitiful world?

I felt two arms wrap around me shoving my head into a shoulder and successfully pulling me away from Alice's corpse. It was Jessie.

He didn't say anything but I could feel his pain in that hug. Alice's death added to the great loss he must be feeling after loosing Warren like that. Warren and Jessie were really close they were most likely the best of friends.

"I'm sorry..." I choked back a sob, "I couldn't save them." I let the tears run down.

Jessie's arms tightened around me and I felt warm wet tears hitting my shoulder.

Burying Alice was a heart breaking task. She was buried in a shallow grave between the bases of two magnificent trees that had somehow intertwined together. Jessie and had stopped shedding our tears but still mourned deeply in silence.

The place where we had stopped was tucked away a few kilometres away from the main trail. We had run off in a random direction in order to flee to safety and so far we were successful in that manner.

I do not know how much time had passed since we had been here and I did not really care. I felt hollow.

I had left Jessie and walked towards a small stream that was nearby to wash the dirt and blood off. Alice's scared trembling voice kept playing in my head.

I was distracted. Too distracted. My guard was down.

I failed to notice the person trailing me in the trees until I had almost arrived back. Someone had dropped from a branch above me and landed on my back forcing me to fall over and just about face plant into the ground.

I let out a yelp hoping Jessie would hear me. I felt a cold metal blade touch the skin above my Adam's apple as my head was pulled back exposing my throat.

Jessie shot through the bush, sword in hand and was prepared to attack my ambusher. When a look of recognition crossed his face.

"Vorn, get off her..." He sighed and lowered his sword.

"Jessie. So this girl is with you?" This Vorn fellow said getting up slowly.

"Yes, she is with me."

"Sorry Miss, I thought you were an enemy." Vorn quickly turned and helped me up apologetically.

I got a little fright when I took in this new comers appearance. He was rather short and young maybe a year or two younger than me but had very familiar features. He looked similar to someone I know but I couldn't be bothered to remember. He was dressed in all dark clothing. It looked light and easy to move in. He did have slight amour on, it was this kingdoms armor along with a few small weapons and pouches on his person. I concluded that he must of been a spy or an assassin of some sort.

"Tell me Vorn, why are you here?" Jessie queried.

Vorn looked at Jessie seemingly Silently asking him something.

"Yes, don't worry. She can be trusted." Jessie nodded slightly as he spoke.

"I was on my way to report back to my brother regarding enemy movements when I caught wind of movement nearby. I tracked it and found you. You are getting sloppy Jessie." Vorn chuckled slightly seemingly trying to get a rise out of Jessie with his last sentence unware of the current situation.

"Listen Vorn there is something I need to tell you-" Jessie started before he was cut off.

"Yeah, yeah tell me later. Where is Warren? I have a bone to pick with that plump moron." Vorn's eyes held a glint of playfulness in them. Jessie and I's mood dropped drastically again at the painful reminder.

Vorn strutted forward and passed Jessie, unware to the current mood. His eyes searched rapidly for who I'm assuming to be Warren.

Jessie walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen Vorn... Warren, he...he is..." Jessie was struggling to find the right words.

"What Jessie? Tell me." Vorn said finally sensing the mood of the area.

"He didnt make it..." I said it. I couldn't bear to watch Jessie any longer.

"What? What the hell happened?!" Vorn shrieked. He looked shocked but I could see various emotions racing across his face as he processed this information.

"I-... we ran into some scouts earlier... they got him... Sliced his throat." Jessie was broken. He looked away. I looked away. I couldn't withstand the raw pain I felt and what Jessie must be feeling.

"Fuck... I'm guessing my brother does not know yet? I need to report to him." Vorn looked very distraught and distressed.

"No, Vorn..." Jessie tried to compose himself as he tried to speak again. He took a deep breath and continued, "Your brother... Commander Tryon was slaughtered."

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