Chapter 26

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"What is this, Soldier?"

It was Prince Edward who spoke, his eyes now focused solely on Greg waiting for an explanation to our interruption.

"I was conversing to the prisoner, I beg of you to leave him be, he was merely doing his job."

I don't know what possessed me to speak up and out of bounds but I regretted the words as soon as they left my lips.

Prince Edward eyed me for a second. I saw a flash of familiarity pass through his gorgeous brown eyes.

"Let me handle this Edward." General Ivor spoke before Prince Edward had the chance.

Prince Edward seemed to be slightly hesitant possibly debating whether it was the right choice to let Ivor deal with me but succumbed to Ivor's insistent gaze and gave a slight nod in allowance.

I couldn't help but watch Commander Tyron, trying to decipher any possible reaction he might have towards my current predicament.


Just a flash of caution conveyed through narrow eyes. He didn't like the situation. He didn't know that Ivor knew.

I internally smirked and gave him a barely noticeable wink as I left the tent following Ivor. Unfortunately he was not the only one to notice it. Greg did as well and narrowed his eyes ever so slightly as he walked out the tent following behind me.

Ivor led me to another tent which I assumed was his. Greg had went off somewhere leaving him and I alone.

"You know when I said meet me in the morning, I most certainly didn't mean like this." His voice huskily whispered once we were alone.

His tent was not awfully spacious so he stood right in front of me, close enough that our chests were almost touching. The memory from last night graced my thoughts and I light cheeky smirk found it's way onto my lips.

"But I thought I should make a grand entrance."

He sighed.

"You could have been caught you know. He could have recognised you."

I could tell he was referring to Prince Edward. I reached forward with one hand and placed it on his arm.

"I know it was stupid of me but I couldn't just ignore her..."

"Why did you speak to her anyway to begin with?" He gazed deeply into my eyes and it felt like he could see through me.

"She knows my true gender and was never really harsh to me." I looked away breaking eye contact.

"Shit Sky."

"She won't tell... I hope. But even if she did who would believe her?" I tried to reason.

"Who else knows?"

I took a deep breath.

"Commander Tyron."

His eyes widened slightly.

"You can't be serious... How? When? How much does he know? Do you even know who his father is?" Ivor rushed out question after question.

I placed both my hands on his armoured chest.

"Relax, he knows everything, he is on my side and yes I'm perfectly aware that he is the bastard son of Patrick."

Ivor watched me silently for a moment before the unexpected happened. He pulled me in for a hug for which I hesitantly accepted wrapping my arms around him.

"I just want you to stay safe." He whispered in my ear before we pulled apart.

"I have to get back, you do to. We both have duties." He said and opened the tent gesturing me to go out first.

Once we parted ways I was somewhat surprised to bump into Commander Tyron as I walked round the corner.

"Glad to see that you are still alive and in one piece after that little hiccup earlier." He teasingly chuckled but I could sense slight relief in his voice. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Look I've been given orders to gather intel on enemy scouts spotted just north-east of us. I want you to come with me."

He watched me intently.

"Why me? There are better suited and more capable men to take other than me." I asked slightly annoyed.

I didn't miss the mischievous glint in his grey eyes.

"Nope. I want none of that. You are good at sneaking around so you are the perfect choice, now I will give you ten minutes to gather your things and meet me at the north-eastern boundary if the camp so hurry up."

I turned and walked off. The nerve of that guy.

By the time I got there, I was greeted by two other people who stood with the Commander. Now I was irritated.

"This is supposed to be a stealth mission you know. These two morons are the worst possible choice for this type of mission." I glared at the Commander.

Jessie and Warren were two busy glaring at each other muttering incoherent things to noticed or even register what I had just said.

"You shouldn't under estimate them. You lack the proper knowledge on their abilities but instead of gathering information on them you rather made you own assumptions due to their idiotic behaviour."

I could tell he was messing with me.

"Mmmm sure."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious. Warren is one of the best trackers I have ever seen and Jessie is a pretty damn good tactician."

I still wasn't awfully convinced so I just shrugged.

By nightfall we had successfully located the scouts thanks to Warren when he finally quit arguing with Jessie for a minute and actually got to work. I was shocked. Commander Tyron had sent a look my way rubbing it in so I in return stuck my tongue out at him childishly.

We were quite far from the enemy so the Commander opted that we take rest for the night. We didn't start any fire in order not to draw attention and instead slept on the ground hidden slightly in the undergrowth of the trees.

The Commander said he would take first watch. I had a feeling that he was not planning to sleep tonight but rather keep watch all night so when Jessie and Warren passed out cuddling each other like possessive lovers, I walked up to Tyron.

"You should sleep." He spoke softly not looking at me.

"I know but I can't." I sat next to him.

We were silent for a while. It wasn't awkward but rather comfortable.

"I have a feeling something bad will happen tomorrow..." he said breaking the silence.

I had shifted closer to him as it was getting a little chilly. The wind speed had picked up and I smelt rain. My eyes were also starting to get heavy.

"Don't worry I'm sure it's nothing." I tried to reassure him sleepily.

Unconsciously I leaned my head onto his shoulder and drifted off into dreamland.

Something bad will happen tomorrow...

I had the same feeling.

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