Chapter 24

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I hoped I didn't just hear that. I was praying that it was just my mind playing tricks on me. I turned my head slightly in the direction of the sound.

I really hate my life...

There was definitely someone there. All I could see was their outlined silhouette. Whoever it was had their face hidden in the shadows but I could feel their eyes on me, watching me.

"What do we have here?"

The person spoke. I knew that voice. It was Ivor. I smiled slightly but then came painfully aware that I was stark naked in the water with him who was just a few meters away from me. I sank down a little further into the water in slight embarrassment. I was glad it was dark so he wouldn't be able to see my blush.

"Talk." He commanded.

"It's such a shame, I was this close to escaping only to be caught by none other than a General of all people." I playfully chuckled.

I watched him move a little closer to me.

"A lady? Who are you? Why do I recognise that voice?"

"Who knows, I must just have a common voice."

"Skylar Black?! What on earth?" He whisper yelled obviously shocked while moving much closer to me, he was now barely a few centimetres away from me.

"Hello to you too Ivor. Did you miss me?" I put my hands on his chest and pushed him slightly away.

His bare muscular chest...


Heat rushed to my cheeks and I looked away slightly, the feeling still tingling in my palms.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I came to relax and clean myself, oh and escape. What about you, what brings you here on this fine night?" I started swimming around a little while maintaining my focus on him.

"No. I mean what are doing here so close to the front lines just outside the main army camp? And what do mean by escape? What is going on?"  He sounded confused, frustrated and curious all in one go.

"So many questions. I would love to stay and chat but I kind of need to leave right now you know." I swam towards the opposite side again and was about to stand up and rise out of the water. I knew he wouldn't be able to see much because it was so dark but I still wanted to get out of the water very quickly and change into my clothes however, I still hesitated.

Right at that moment I heard rustling through the trees and the running feet of a heavy armoured soldier. Acting quickly not wanting to risk being seen, I ducked under water.

I heard some muffled sounds for a bit before they disappeared. Rising quickly to the surface, I gasped for air for my now deflated lungs. Big mistake. The soldier was still standing there. I could tell he saw me.

"Please make haste General."

The soldier bowed and quickly left. I turned to face Ivor who had started making his way out of the water.

"Well you just blew your great escape but maybe that is a good thing. Come on then. Go get your clothes from the other side. I will wait for you but please be quick." He spoke over his shoulder to me cockily almost as if he was mocking me.

I huff but then his words fully registered in my head. He knew my clothes were on the other side meaning he most likely knew that I was naked.


My cheeks were now burning and I sent out a silent curse or two in his direction but that was when I caught a glimpse of his toned bare back as he rose out of the water. It may have been dark but I could still make out it's outline especially when he continued to rise and that cute butt came into view.

Wait a minute. Was he also naked?

Fuck my life.

If it was any possible my cheeks became even redder and I'm sure that if I could see my reflection, I would be the colour of a well ripened tomato. But secretly I couldn't help but think that I enjoyed the view he was giving me, to bad it was so dark and I couldn't see much and to bad he wasn't showing his front...

Shaking my head in a failed attempt to rid it of all those ghastly embarrassing unnecessary thoughts I turned back to the task at hand. Once I had made it back to the other side with my clothes, I redressed behind a tree and annoyingly put my armour back on. I could already feel it starting to dig into my sides again.

General Ivor was waiting for me nearby, he was now disappointingly fully clothed as well and armoured in an amour much different than mine clearly showing his higher rank. When he saw me emerge he eyed me down obviously noticing my armour and then proceeded to start walking in the direction back towards the camp.

I then realised how foolish I was being. Why on earth was I following him back? What was I doing? I could still escape.

I see a man's butt and I am all distracted.

"What am I doing following you back?" I voiced my thoughts irritatingly.

"Isn't it obvious. You were seen with me, so it would be suspicious even though I am a General, but as to speak, to be seen alone with someone so late at night outside of camp and not return with them raises many red flags." He replied.

"Couldn't you just say that I am one of your spies reporting back to you from enemy lines and besides who is that soldier going to tell anyways?"

"You wish to tell me that you have just been in this camp without knowing that Prince Edward is here? Wow, I thought thieves were much more observant than that. So of course the soldier will report back to Edward, even though him and I are somewhat close, I will still be under suspicion as it is a time of war and in times like these treachery can be rather common and so in saying that you are one of my spies is a no go because he already knows that I have none."

I sighed still annoyed but Ivor had a valid excuse and I did not wish for him to get into any trouble for he did help me escape the prison. I also chose to ignore his teasing on my so called lacking observation skills.

When we entered the camp, some of the patrolling soldiers at first glance eyed me suspiciously but moved on when they noticed that I was with the General.

Just as I was about to part ways with General Ivor he stopped me.

"Meet me at my tent tomorrow morning. I still need to speak with you."

He then went off to wherever he was summoned to. I stood there for a second before heading off to settle down for the night.

Just as I closed my eyes I realised that I had no idea where his tent was. I tried to ignore the events that happened tonight and before I knew it, sleep graced me with it's awaited presence and soon I was out cold.

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