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Imogen's P.O.V

We finished getting ready and headed to the lobby to meet the rest. Taylor was acting really weird about his dream but I think he's starting to forget all about it! Luckily it was only a dream.

"Hey Tay what's up? You look like you just saw a ghost!" Cam pointed out, causing the rest to look at Taylor.
"Nothing, just feeling a bit uneasy that's all!" He replied.
"Come on, Let's go before we miss our flight!" Called out Bart from the doors.

We all slowly made our way to the bus that was parked outside. One by one, our luggage was loaded onto the bus and we hoped on.
The boys and girls all rushed to the back apart from Taylor, He just sat at the front, gazing out the window. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder, which made him jump a little.

"Sorry Tay!" I said as he looked down at me.
"It's ok, I was just day dreaming!" He said looking back out of the window with a kinda sad/worried expression.
"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up.
"Nothing! Just thinking." He stated not taking his eyes off the window.
"Really? I can tell there is!" I sighed. He just ignored me so I pinned him to the seat by sitting on him and holding his arms down.
"You are not leaving this bus until you tell me!" I demanded as he looked at me and chuckled.
"You're gonna have to do more than that!" He smirked to I smashed my lips into his after making sure no one was watching. Fire works exploding inside of me but I had to pull away so he would tell me what's wrong with him.
"Now?" I ask.
"I'm just scared that the dream will be real!" He looked down, looking ashamed of himself but he shouldn't be! Everyone has fears, no matter how stupid they may be.

I let go of his arms and lifted up his chin so he would look at me. I gave him a sympathetic look then I gave him a really big hug. I felt his arms creep around my waist and his head bury into the crook of my neck. I hate seeing him like this!

I pulled away after feeling someone tap me on my shoulder. I look over to see who tapped me, it was ............Matt? And he actually looked sad more than pissed.
He gave me a weak smile gesturing for me to follow him. I looked at Taylor, who was still holding me tight around my waist, he gave a simple nod. With that I got off his lap and followed Matt to the middle of the bus, where no one else was near. Loads of thoughts and worries are spinning in my head like crazy about what he wants and things like that.

"Look Imogen, I'm really sorry! I know you're not the type of person to cheat on anyone, you are so caring and I guess I just got jealous seeing you laughing with another boy and on Daniels back. The only thing I could think of at the time was that you had fallen in love with him, and forgotten about me! I should of let you explain and not jumped to conclusions. Please will you forgive me?" Matt looked like he was going to cry while saying all this.
"Yes, I forgive you but I wished you would of listened to me first!" I said looking at him while he turned his head to look at the floor.
"I wish I did too!" He looked up at me and gave a weak smile but that faded back into a sad expression. He then looked back at the floor.
"I'm such an idiot!" He said under his breath, but it was loud enough that I heard it.
"No you're not!" I replied, placing one of my hands on his shoulder.

He just sighed. Then our bus driver said that we were at the airport.
We all got off the bus and got our luggage, and walked into the airport.

Taylor's P.O.V

Here we go! Let's just hope that not all dreams come true, otherwise we are pretty much screwed.

Imogen is being very caring to me, trying to help me forget the stupid dream that is ruining this day! She's been by my side while we were in the airport and boarding the plane.
All the boys were confused when I hesitated to step on the plane, but they shrugged it off and found their seats. Imogen was in a completely different row, next to Matt..............

That reminds me, I wonder what he said to her earlier on the bus? Should I be worried? Nah I trust Imogen, She's a smart girl!

I was sat next to Cam, he kept looking at me as if he was worried about me. I just shrugged it off and looked out the window to see the same men as in the dream, filling up the plane with fuel. This time they weren't messing about and they were working really hard! This made me settle a bit more.

I start to drift off when someone laid their head on my shoulder.
"Cam get off!" I groaned with my eyes closed and my head leaning against the window.
"Woah, not even fair!" I heard Cam say, but it didn't sound like he was next to me!
"It's me silly!" I heard a girl giggle, I knew that giggle really well.
"Well hey there sexy!" I winked, looking at her.
"Classical Taylor!" She chuckled and sat up.
"So, how come you're in Cam's seat?" I asked
"You don't want me here?" She pouted.
"Of course I want you here!" I kissed her cheek.
"Well Cam said that you looked sad so he forced me to sit next to you!" She said sarcastically.

I put my hand to my chest and acted hurt, then I started to fake cry.
After a while we got bored so Imogen sat on my lap, as we had another hour until the plane took off.....
She kept recording me, but I only let her keep one of the recordings. She cracks me up sometimes!

It's now time for us to take off so she got off my lap and buckled herself. As we started moving I tensed up, I think she could tell because she instantly grabbed my hand and rubbed it with her thumb.
And then we take off..............

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