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Taylor's P.O.V

I'm walking to Ella's room when I see that the door is slightly open and she is talking to someone on facetime.
"Same! How's the plan coming?" Her friend asks her. Plan? What plan?
"The plan is almost complete! I can't wait to have Shawn all to myself!" She's planning on stealing Shawn off Lilly?
"Don't forget to mention me to Gilinsky! He's so fit." Her friend says quickly.
"Ok, I'll try! I feel kinda bad though...............Lilly has been so loyal to me since we met and now I'm gonna stab her in the back." This made me feel a bit better that she feels bad, but she still shouldn't be planning this.
"She deserves it! Anyway, Who have you met so far?" How does she deserve it? She hasn't done anything wrong!
"Well I've met them all because we all went to dinner together, but I've only talked to Cameron and Taylor!" I walk in to the room further. "What's wrong?" Ella asks.
"Look behind you!" Her friend says in a scared voice.

Ella turns around and sees me standing there, shocked.
"How much did you hear?" She asks quickly.
"Enough to know that you're a terrible friend!" I cross my arms and grow angry.
"It's not what it looks li-" I cut her off.
"Then what exactly is it Ella? You can't just come here to steal your 'best friends' boyfriend, thinking that no one will find out! That's not how things work around here." I shout. I heard people rushing to the door and coming into the room.
"What's going on?" Shawn said as Lilly looked confused.
"Would you like to tell them Ella?" I asked.
"I..........I............I was pla.........planing..........o..on stealingShawnfromyouLillyI'mreallysorry!" She said.
"You WHAT?" Lilly yelled.
"I'm sorry!" Ella was now crying her eyes out.
"What did I ever do to you?" Lilly asks and starts crying.
"I think you should leave Ella! I've booked you a flight for an hour and there's a taxi waiting for you!" I turned around and saw Bart standing there looking quite disappointed at Ella.

After Ella left, Shawn and Lilly went to sleep and I went back to my room to tell the others what happened. Imogen was furious and so was Cam. Everyone decided to call it a night so they all left except Cam and Aaron of course.

Imogen's P.O.V

Wow, How low can a girl go? Like seriously!

I'm now in bed with Jack, cuddling him because I haven't been feeling well. I keep feeling like I'm gonna be sick!
"You ok? You seem off today!" Jack asked as he stroked my head.
"Don't feel good!" I simply say and bury my head into his chest.
"What doesn't feel good?" He asks concerned.
"My stomach! I feel like I'm gonna be sick!" I mumble into his chest.
"That doesn't sound good!" Gilinsky said from the other side of the room.
"Huh?" I lift up my head and look at him.

Gilinsky gave Johnson a look of concern and as if he was asking him something through their minds.
"Imi?" Johnson asked. I looked at him with a questioning look, humming in response.
"I was just wondering if you would like to...........Uh...........Be my Girlfriend?" He acted all shy.............HE'S SO FUCKING CUTE!!!!!!
"Of course Jack, I would love to!" I say and give him a passionate kiss.
"Seriously? Can we keep it PG in here please?" Gilinsky said jokingly.
"I feel too sick anyway!" I chuckled.
"I can't believe that we are gonna fly back to Nebraska tomorrow! It doesn't seem real that Magcon is breaking up!" Johnson said sadly.
"I'm gonna miss the guys!" I said, cuddling into Johnson again.
They were both talking to each other quietly as I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

----NEXT DAY----

I wake up to an empty bed and room. Did they leave me here? All my stuff is gone too. Someone opens the doors and walks in. It's Gilinsky.
"Good! You're awake." He said relieved.
"Yeah, What's going on? Where is all my stuff?"
"Johnson packed it for you and is looking after mine in the lobby as well. He picked you an outfit and set it in the bathroom for you!" He said.
"Awh, He's so cute!" I cooed.

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