Your the one we want

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Today was the party, as I refused to class it as a ball. It was just a formal party. I got up, walked sluggishly downstairs, yawning. I know it isn't very ladylike, but who cares when you lived in a house with males, and then was promoted to a pack with only one female. I wandered downstairs, looking for Cole. He was always good at making my breakfast when I was extremely tired. I saw him, writing on a notepad, no doubt deciding new arrangements for the pack members for me to start. I needed a beta for myself, and he needed to shuffle the battle arrangements. I sat at the table. He stared at me, and lifted his eyebrow.

"What?" i said innocently.

"Nothing. I was just wondering why your up so early. No one else is up yet" he said calmly, still staring at me. I laughed. He didn't understand. I had gotten up way earlier than everyone else because i wanted to go for a run, and still have time to get ready. Apparently, it took over four hours to get ready. I poured some golden crunchies into a bowl and ate slowly, watching Cole. He carried on working. I laughed at his concentration. 

"I'm going upstairs to get dressed. Then I'm going to a run" i announced after the silence had grown boring. At least I knew that once i'd gotten back, that Naomi would be up. As soon as I said this, Cole's eyes looked up, suddenly black. 

"Oh no your not" he said coldly.

"What's it to you? You working. I need to get some air and i'm going, no matter what you say" I sounded so stubborn. But I was going. He still didn't trust me, after marking me and seeing me stay at the house everyday. I needed to get out of the house.

"Well, Since its close to your mark fading, i'm not having you out the house, or at the very least with a trusted friend" he said angrily. I sighed walking upstairs. "Where are you going?" he shouted after me.

"well if i'm not aloud out, then i'm going back to bed, to wait for Naomi to get up, or at least until your in a better mood" i snapped. He only sighed, looking back to the notebook. I turned, stomping up the stairs loudly. I could hear Cole muttering angrily to himself. I made out a couple of words like "doesnt she do as shes told" and " shes so unbelievable". I laughed coldly. Like he would know. He's only known me a couple of weeks. I went upstairs, walking to my wardrobe. I pulled out my running shorts, and a thermal t shirt. I opened my door cautiously, listening to hear where Cole was. Still working. There was no way I was getting out downstairs. I ran to the window, opening it. It opened enough for a small woman to fit through. I would fit through the gap. I shuffled out the gap, closing the window a little, but enough for me to get back in. with that, I ran into the forest, smiling at myself. While running, I could sense Cole's worry. I ignored it, and kept running.

"Hello Calla" i heard a strange voice say. At first i thought it was Cole, but when I turned I saw a strange face, vaguely familiar. "I'm Maximus Bane. But call me Max" He moved his eyebrows up and down, looking funny doing it. I laughed. 

"How do you know me?" I asked, suspiously.

"Everyone knows you Calla. Your the newest Luna. Your the one we want. If you come quietly, we won't kill your friends. If you don't we will just obduct you at the ball, and then I will mark you as my own" he said calmly. I started to back away, trying to run. "Oh don't run, Calla, don't be scared. We will mark you and make you our Luna anyway. You see, Cole killed my mate, and i'm going to mark you, just so he can't have you" he said.

"Leave me alone" i said, backing away. It may have been a stupid thing to say, but it was the only thing i could think of.  He grabbed me, holding my arms. I growled at him, kicking him in the groin. He fell, only for a second, and I had shifted, running away. 

"I'll find you at the ball, Calla. You just made things harder for yourself" he shouted to me. I ran to the house, forgetting that Cole was downstairs, and runningstraight through the room. 

"Calla what's wrong? Where have you been?" he asked worried. 

"B-Bane. Threatened- Me. Scared. Ran Home" I said gasping for air. He held me. 

"Its ok now. Hey Hey its ok" he soothed. I walked to my room with him, and he locked my window, and locked me in, making me feel safer. I wasn't going to be mated. Not by Max. I was putting up my biggest fight, against some rowdy packs who are enemies, drunk and more likely to kill someone. I didn't want to start a fight, but if they tried anything, a scene is what they would get. I hugged my knees, making me feel safe. Cole hugged me, even though I was shaking. I was so scared. This was war. I wasn't going to go like some idiot. I was fighting for my mates rights. Like the right to mate with me right. No one, and I mean no one, should have messed with me. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey so i hope you like this chapter, can i just say thanx to everyone reading, it means so much. Vote, comment, and fan. The picture is of Max Bane. Hope you like it! xx

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