Whats Wrong?

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I was woken up by someone stroking my cheek lightly. I smiled, opening my eyes slowly. My eyes were blurred because i had been asleep so long. 

"Cole?" i said in a very deep tired voice. I heard a chuckle and i rubbed my eyes to try stop the blurriness. But Cole wasn't in the room. Neither was my children. I looked to the person, and saw Max. He smirked at my tiredness. I glared at him. He had no right to touch me. I wasn't his mate. he should get up off his furry back side and find his mate. She would probably hate him as much as I did. 

"What are you doing here?" i said distastfully. He looked taken aback, and straightened up.

"That was rude. I was taking watch if you must know" he said smugly. 

"Taking watch? What's wrong, dog? Afraid i'll make a run for it with my children and pack and leave you empty handed?" i smirked back. He wasn't having either of my children. I was their mother, and if they were anywhere, they would be with me and my mate. No exceptions. That was what was happening. I looked up at Max, who growled quietly as I tryied his patience. I'm guessing he hated being called a dog. 

"I don't want your children" he muttered.

"What?" i said rather loudly, much too loudly for my liking, but I was disorientated. 

"I said I didn't want your children!" he shouted. I sat there for a moment, my mouth hanging open. 

"Then what do you want with them? And why were you so happy that I was having children?" i said defensively. 

"I didn't want them, my father did. I was happy that you were having children because it meant you couldn't run away, and you could get to know me. I may be from a evil family, but it doesn't mean I'm evil you know?" he said. I breathed in guiltily. he really meant that. I gulped back down waiting for him to continue. He looked to the floor.

"I love you Calla. There I said it. I felt the bond between us. I felt it. I don't know how you have two mates but you must have!" he said, desperation flowing out in his words. 

"I-I can't believe this. Stop making me feel things I don't!" i snapped, getting out of the bed and walking to the door. He grabbed my arm, and I felt those dreaded sparks. How? I didn't know. I pulled my arm sharply away, and walked out the room. 

I stomped downstairs, and walked to the door. Cole got up quickly. 

"What's wrong Calla?"He said. I didn't stop. He took my arm and gently pulled me to a stop. I felt no sparks. What was happening? I had felt sparks with him before. I had heard my wolf say mine the first time we saw him. I looked at his arm. I felt my tears hit his hand. I knew he had felt nothing too. He let go leaving me to walk away swiftly. I ran outside, to the old oak tree with branches like veins. The only tree in the Bane garden, except for the forest. I climbed as high as i could go, placed my head on my knees, and cried the most i've cried before. I'd never felt this so torn.


Cole's POV (First one yet!)


Calla stomped down the stairs. Something was wrong. I got up, walking to her. 

"What's wrong Calla?" i asked. She didn't stop. Something was definetely up. I took her arm, waiting for her to stop. I didn't feel the sparks what made my heart jump when I touched her. She had started crying. I let her go as she ran off outside. I knew she wouldn't go far, not with her children here. I left her.


Anger went through my body like a knife cutting butter. I started shaking. I stormed up the stairs to Max, determined to know why my mate was crying and why I couldn't feel her any more. I saw him sitting on a chair, his head in his heads, moaning to himself about how bad his talk with Calla went. How dare he even talk to my mate!

"What did you do to her? Why can't I feel her anymore!?" i said, getting in his face and grabbing his shirt, pulling him up off the chair.

"I didn't do anything. I watched her sleep! Wait you can't feel her anymore? How come i can still feel her?" he said defensivly. He really didn't know anything. It wasn't spite. Something really had happened between us. 

"I can't feel her. My angel. I can't feel her. Help me! help me get her back!" i screamed desprestely. 

"I will! I will! Right we need to see her. If anything was wrong, then there would be a mark like a burn or something on her arm. I've seen that before" he said logically. I could tell he really needed help. 

"Thanks. Lets go, before she does anything rash" i said, runnign out the door, with Max at my heels. We rushed to the garden, scanning the grass. Nowhere. I turned up me hearing. It was true, i could hear little whimpers from a faraway tree. I ran to it, looking up the branches. Sure enough, she was on the highest branch, her legs dangling, her brown hair flowing in the wind. She looked down at me, then took her eyes away, placing them somewhere else. I sighed. She wasn't going to come down. Oh no! she was too stubborn for that.

"Baby come down" i said softly.

"I-I can't. Leave me alone. I just need time alone" she cried to me. One of her tears hit my arm, and I told myself that if she wasn't coming down, I was going up. 

I climbed up the branches effortlessly. I sat on her branch, looking at her. She didn't look up, she just cried. It killed me to see her this way. I took her arm, looking for a mark. Nothing. I sighed looking down at Max. I shook my head.

"Try her neck" he shouted up. I moved her hair back softly, my eyes watering when she winced out the way a bit. She didn't want me touching her. I looked at her neck, where I had marked her. There was not a scratch. No mark. I gasped and she looked up at me worried. I looked to Max. I nodded, and he started making his way up the tree. 

"Her mark" he said, looking at the scratchless skin. " You didn't mark her again, did you?" he said, looking up at me with a scolding look on his face. Sure enough, I hadn't marked her. She had been kidnapped and had children. I had missed the time I could have marked her, and she had been passed on. I punched the tree's trunk, making acorns fly at us, hitting our heads. 

"Damn It Calla. I won't let this get between us. Max may be your new mate, but i'm still your children's father" she looked at me, and tried to smile. Tears were streaming down her face. It reminded me of tribal paint, only clear. Her face looked plastic under the glint of water over her. 

"Don't worry Calla, I'll find a way to get you back" i soothed, stoking her hair, making her calm down. I moved to her neck and bit down. She winced at the pain, but i made another mark. I licked the mark until it had healed, despreate to get her back. The mark stayed there. Max looked at me and I saw the doubt in his eyes. I didn't think she was mine yet. She looked up at me. 

"Nice try Cole, but i'm gone. I'm sorry, if only i had listened-" she said sadly. 

"No No No Calla. Don't make this your fault. We chose the wrong time to mark each other. We should have waited until after the party, or i should have marked you before. If anyone blame me. I'm going to the Guru to ask if she knows anything about this/2 I said, climbing down the tree. She nodded gratefully, then closed her eyes, letting the breeze ruffle her hair. I got down the tree and sighed. I didn't think there was hope anymore. But I had to think positive. For Calla. I wouldn't give her up. 


Thank you all for reading. This story has more than my other ones, and this one is my newest! Thank you. Comment Vote Fan. Oh and could someone make me a better cover? I could really use a nice cover. I'll dedicate my story to you if you like. Thanx. Please, i'd love to hear from you! I always talk to my fans and readers who talk to me. I come on here nearly everyday, so don't be shy! Thanx once again.

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