Oh God

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Sorry for such a late upload! Been So Busy! Hope you like this chapter

Jason's Point Of View

I felt the pain seep from my body. I had no idea what was happening and I was scared. This was it. I was going to die. I felt myself breathing again. I heard the voices of the boys and i could feel them touch my arm. 

"Jason? Are you there? Jason open your eyes" I heard Taylor say. I forced my eyes to open, only to shut them from the light attacking my eyes. I rubbed them and opened them again, the way I moved reminded me of a drunken man, even though i hadn't even left the table I had just found I was on. 

"Whats going on? Why am I awake?" I said hoarsely, from the lack of use my voice had had. I looked around at the boys faces, each portraying nervousness and shame. "Guys. Whats going on?" I said more firmer. 

"Well..... Um.... You see...." Adam stuttered making my anger boil. 

"Just tell me whats going on!" i shouted furious that they are sparing my feelings. I'd thank them later, but right now, i just wanted to know how i was alive. They all looked at each other nervously, silently bickering at who would tell me. "Tell me before I rip your throat out!" i snapped, making them flinch back.

"Calla took your pain away from you and housed it in herself" Taylor said quickly. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"You allowed her to kill herself? The princess? How could you?!" I shouted, chucking a nearby table across the room, narrowly missing Ryan.

"We couldn't do anything. She used her Alpha princess ability. We had to obey her command" Sam whimpered. I looked at him, not being able to hear any more.

"Where is she?" i said, quieter. I shouldn't have been alive. I should have been there to stop her. 

"I'm not sure its best if you see her right now. She isn't in great shape. with all the anger your housing right now, if you walked into her room it might upset the pain inside her more. You must be calm around her body" The matron soothed. That was all I needed to know. I moved swiftly out the room before anyone could object further, making my way to her bedroom. 

I gingerly opened the door, looking to the limp, pale body lying in her bed. I swallowed hard, walking up to the bed and kneeling down in front of the bed. I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, and looked up to see Cole looking at me comfortingly. I smiled slowly, looking back down to her sweating body, slightly twitching, like she was dreaming. The only difference was it wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare. I stray tear escaped my face, staining the bed sheet. 

"I..I should have been there f..for her" i sobbed. "I shouldn't have let her do that!" 

"It wasn't your faul-" Cole tried to sooth, but i wasn't having any of it.

" It was! If I had been a little more careful, it shouldn't have happened. She wouldn't be here, dying in front of our eyes" i cried loudly.

"Stop that! Its not your fault!" Cole snapped. I didn't look up, and reached for her hand, holding it between my own, hoping it will suddenly warm her up and she might come back to us. 

"I love you, Calla. I always loved you. Since I set my eyes on you in the forest. I wanted you on my arm, leading a pack with me" i whispered to her. I felt Cole tense next to me. I guessed he didn't really know how I felt about his mate. I swallowed, thinking he would hurt me, but he walked off, sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. 

"I let her do it. She did it because of me, because she thought i'd leave her and take in the pain" Cole said quietly, and I wasn't sure whether it was to himself or me.

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