Author's Note

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I'd just like to thank all you guys for reading, voting and fanning me. It means a lot. Sorry i haven't been coming up with many chapters recently as well, as i have school alot and im lucky to get in a hour of work at least. Ok, so, the reason i've done a author's note is that i really could use YOUR advice. I'm speaking directly to every one of my readers. Here's my questions i'd love a answer for:

Do you think the story is droning on a lot?

Is it going too fast?

Should i end it on this chapter, and start a sequal? ( cruel i know but i could get a whole another story)

Any advice and improvements i could do? 

Finally, any thing what could bring on the storyline?

Thank you so so much for reading my story, and please comment. Just remember, no explicit content, i'm only 13! This is the time i'm taking your points into consideration, just please don't get angry if i don't use them, as i can't fit everything in the story. THanks so much! Paige

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