Point Number One.....

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Cole's POV

"Whats wrong Guru" I said desperately. I needed my beautiful Calla. My Lilly and Connor. I would do anything just to get her back to me. 

"There has been nothing i've heard of what will help. Killing her mate will have no effect. There's only one person I know who might have a idea. She is the Queen of the mothers kind. Of the successors. But she doesn't take well to visitors. You would have to plead your case. Take the girl with you. And her current mate. She is a successor, so watch for her gifts. They will start to bloom." she said, looking down at my hand. "In fact, the gifts will be more helpful than you think". I gulped. She chuckled to herself, making her wrinkles smile with her. 

"Where will I find the Queen?" I asked. Max had gone now. It had been a long time before we had found the Guru, who had been sitting at home making some sort of stew for a sick wolf. She had called him cursed. 

"In the mountains. She has a kingdom high up them. Go quickly, before light follows you. I fear she may only have a little time left before she's Max's permanently" I gasped. She would never be his. Not while my heart was still beating. I looked back to the chair, now empty where the Guru had left. I fire crackled in her cottage, sending a warm feeling through my bones. Just not enough for me to relax and think about something else but Calla. I left her cottage to find Calla. Max had been gone a while. I could imagine Calla in front of the Queen. I could imagine it so clearly, it was as if she was there already.


Calla's POV

I sat in the tree, even though I had goosebumps. I could feel everything around me, even if I had my eyes closed. I didn't feel like doing anything. I couldn't. For one, I couldn't get down. I sighed loudly, scaring a small bird from its nest in the branches higher up. I faced forward, just in time to see a speck, what became a figure. They were running towards me, coming quickly. It didn't look like they were going to stop. I started to panic, grabbing for a nearby branch for support. Luckily, the person stopped before they got to the tree, but only by inches.

"Max? I thought you were with Cole?" I said. It came out sour, but I didn't really care for manners right now. 

"I was. But I need to tell you something Calla" he said, gasping for breath. I twisted my hand round in circles, gesturing for him to continue. He sighed, getting comfortable against the tree trunk.

"I don't want to give you up Calla. I want to keep you as my mate. We can raise the twins and I promise it would be the right way. I will fight for you Calla, until my heart stops beating" he said timidly. I saw him blush a little, but I wasn't sure if he was just flushed from running.

"Max, you know I can't do that. I think its just the bond talking" i said, reaching down and placing my fingertips on his shoulder. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I almost fell out of the tree. The shock I got off him was huge. Much bigger than any i had gotten of Cole. He looked up at me smiling. I couldn't help but love him. Don't be silly, Calla! It's the bond! i told myself. But it was already strong. I had to keep him from marking me, because if he did then I would be permanently with him.  I could not show weakness. 

I heard footsteps, not far off. I scurried back up the tree, and saw the the person was actually still a speck. I wasn't able to hear that far before. As he approached, I became more and more guilty about my new found feelings for Max. It was going to be harder to stop him marking me. 

"Calla! Calla! I can help you!" Cole cried happily to me. I saw the joy in his face. It killed me. I killed me that he wasn't giving  up, excepting that somewhere in the world, he had another mate. He still wanted me. 

"You can help me? How!" i was overjoyed that i could still be with Cole, i still loved him. But just Max was now at that same scale of love. i wasn't sure who to choose anymore.

"We need to travel. We need to take the children and go to the Queen of your kind" he shouted to the world. He really loved that we could be together. 

"when are we leaving?" i asked.

"Now. Get the children! The sooner the better!" he said. he went running off, skipping into the house. I sighed and felt Max's stare boring into my face. 

"You're still loving him?" he said, making it sound more like a statement. i looked up, seeing his eyes a dark black. Great. He had become possessive. Just what i needed. 

"Yes. I still love him. He is my mate after all. I will always love him, no matter who the fates say is my mate" i said, getting down slowly from the tree. I looked at his face, watching his eyes go black. I had made him angry. 

"Listen to me Calla, and listen good" he said grabbing me roughly on the shoulders, shaking me a little. "I am your mate. ME. Not him. Get used to it. I'm not giving you up with a fight. Your MINE" he said viciously to me, spitting in my face a bit. I reached up, wiping my eyes from the spit. I looked at him angrily, even though my wolf was howling for me to stop this and be with him. 

"Point number One. Ew! You spat in my face!" i said, spitting a bit in his, seeing how he liked it. "Point Number Two. I am Cole's mate, he was my first mate, my only mate. Point number three. I won't be harassed by some over possessive, too big for his boots Alpha, thinking i'm his mate. Do I Make Myself Clear?" i shouted at him, sounding like a stubborn child's mother. I hope i scared the hell out of him, because honestly I had scared the hell out of me! Before he could say anything else, I ran quickly to the house. 

Cole had our things ready, and the twins were in the car. I helped place the bags in the car, and got in myself, shuffling to get comfortable in the passenger seat of the camper van. Apparently, the whole of Cole's pack had decided to come, including Max. No one from Max's pack came. Cole drove quickly, and we laughed at David and Daniel's saying on how the twins were going to grow up like them. I don't  think i've ever laugh as much as when Connor threw up on David. David's face was indescribable. We stopped at a hotel for the night. We decided on a large room, with small bedrooms inside it, giving us privacy. I had the room with Cole. Naomi and Alpha Krypton had the west wing room. The twins, Taylor and Sam had the last rooms. Max decided he wanted to sleep in the other bed in our room, as he refused to be in a room without me, and sleeping with me was out of the question. We weren't even half the journey there, and i was so tired. I lifted my book to my face, sighing at the quietness. It was quiet execept for the muffled voices of the big twins watching the little twins. 

I grumbled at the lack of light in the room. I couldn't see the words. I sighed, thinking about light and how much greater it would be to have some in my room, and something amazing happened. 

Out of my hands, a small glow flickered. I dropped my book in surprise, losing my page. I screamed, waking Cole up and Max looked up quickly. My hands were glowing. Actually glowing. Like flashlights sprouting out from my hands, only without the flashlight part. Just light. A bright, pale blue light, sprouting from my hands. 

"What?" i started, unable to finish the sentence. 

"One of the gifts" Cole said slowly, his eyes wide like he had just seen a ghost. it reminded me of the aliens in toy story 3, whos eyes light up at the giant claw. I smiled at the thought. I turned off the light, looking at Cole.

"Was that to do with me being a successor?" i asked. he looked at me for a second, going back to my hands, even though they weren't glowing anymore. 

"Yes. You will reseave some gifts. That was one of them. the Queen will suppossably teach you how to use your gifts" he said softly. I tried to sleep, even though I wouldn't get much after that news. It wasn't a mistake. I was a Successor. Incredible. 

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