Wedding Bells ~ Eleven

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The wedding is just a day away! I'm so happy for Shane and Haley! Everything is paid for and ready. I told my Dad how I helped pay for the rest of their wedding and he wasn't mad at all. He was actually proud of me. He says I'm changing into a responsible, caring young lady. I still haven't told him that I got accepted into Princeton and Yale. I haven't told anyone because I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I don't want to move so far away but I'm not going to give up my dream schools. I'll just tell everyone at the engagement lunch this morning at ten.

Getting out of bed, Milo jumped on me. He's gotten a lot bigger. In just a few more weeks he's probably going to be a full grown labrador. Then he'll have to sleep in the backyard. Rubbing his stomach, "You're such a cutie pie!"

He barked. Licking my cheek and all over my face. Playfully shoving him down I wiped my face. Gross. Even though my door was open Logan still knocked. I waved for him to come in. He kneeled in front of Milo. Scratching between his ears, "Hey, buddy! Oh you have grown so much."

I chuckled under my breath at how silly he's acting. Milo jumped on Logan causing him to fall back against the floor. "Okay! Get him off!" he begged, Milo kept licking his face.

Making kissing noises I clapped, Milo! Come here now!"

Milo jumped off Logan and ran over to me. Picking up his dog treat bag I fed him one. He stood around as if I was going to toss him another one. Taking one more out I threw it on his bed. "Good boy!" I praised.

Logan got off the floor and dusted off his jeans. "You're really good with him."

"Thanks! It's really nothing though. So. I'm assuming you came in here to play with Milo or tell me something." I chuckled softly. Walking over to my dresser. What should I wear? Logan leaned against the door. His blonde hair trimmed on the edges, so his hair didn't even come near his face. He still had hair but he cut it. Aw! Now he looks even hot but more like a man. He shared similar features with Shane. His blue eyes more visible. Logan smiled, "Haley told me to tell you to hurry and get ready. Meet us in the backyard, breakfast is almost ready."

Crap! I didn't notice all the cars in the front! Practically their whole family was here and I'm not even dressed! "Oh, tell Haley I'm so sorry! I'll be down in a few." I rushed out saying, running to my closet. "I love your new look by the way."

"Thanks ha-ha. My hair was just a mess I needed to cut it. Also, casual is the theme." he said on his way out.

I haven't exactly wore any of my clothes that I packed in awhile. Walking away from my closet full with expensive and valuable things. I went over to my dresser. Going through my folded and cheap clothes I found a beautiful grey sweater and paired it with my black skinny jeans. Sliding my feet into my black vans I ran my fingers through my messy hair. It's way to curly this morning. I didn't have enough time to straighten it so I went over my hair with a curling iron. Much better. Smoothing pink lip gloss to my lushes lips, I walked out of my room bumping into this guy. He looked around eighteen.

He held on to my arms, "I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you by any chance?"

"No, not at all. It was my fault for not looking where I was going."

He smiled, letting me go he held out his hand. "I'm Collin. Mr.Stone is my uncle."

Oh. He's their cousin. There must be more downstairs. I didn't really prepare myself for meeting the family. Shaking Collins hand I introduced myself. I should be heading to the backyard.

"So we're not related? Good to know." he winked. He may be really attractive but it's not going to happen.

Folding my arms over my chest, "I have a boyfriend. Archer."

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