Defining Love~ Twenty Two

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Recap of last chapter:

"You think this is about the bet? You think this is about me hating my brother?" his eyes narrowed. Moving a step closer, "Well you're wrong. It's always been about you. You, Selena! He always gets the girl! What about me? Am I such a bad person?"

"Can't you see that I love you?"



I spaced out for a couple of minutes as my eyes shifted from Damon to Archer standing on the last step of the stairs. Archer's eyes filled with hate and pain. Looking back at Damon I gave him an apologetic look before I ran out of house through the back door. Hurriedly I ran into the small shed across from the house so they wouldn't find me. I needed time alone to think.

Leaning against the wall I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Letting my tears trickle down my cheeks. Damon loves me and it's horrible because I don't feel the same back. We have a bit of a connection when we touch but that's nothing compared to how I feel about Archer. Damon's hurting himself because he's being ridiculous if he thinks I'm going to dump his brother for him. Archer is the love of my life right now.

Honestly I don't think Damon loves me. If he loved me he would've respected my relationship with his brother and told me how he felt. If he loved me he wouldn't have dated Rebecca for that long. If he loved me he wouldn't have brought the bet back up after so long. If he loved me he would've walked out of the room instead starting a fight with Archer and almost damaging his nose. If he loved me he wouldn't try to hurt me so much... He doesn't love me.

The door to the shed opened slowly. If it's Damon or Archer I might just scream. Surprisingly Logan poked his head in. "There you're. Archer's going crazy looking for you."

I didn't feel like talking to anyone, especially Logan. Logan walked into the shed. Closing the door behind him he breathed out a heavy sigh. "I know you must think that I'm the biggest jerk in the world."

I scoffed, "You think?" Sarcasm in the tone of my voice.

Logan rubbed his arm in embarrassment and guilt plastered on his face.

"I deserve that." he said. Standing in front of me he continued, "Selena, what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry and I know you must hate me but I would like a second chance. To prove to you that I'm not this vindictive, shallow prick that you've grown to know these past four months. You don't have to forget but I was hoping that you'll forgive me."

Did he actually apologize? Logan Stone apologizing to me? I've never thought that I'll let 'I forgive you' slip through my mouth. If he's willing to start over with me. How am I suppose to reject that?

Logan embraced me. Giving me a tight and warm hug. Logan and I sat on the tiled floor of the shed. I didn't feel like seeing any of his brothers right now except Klaus.

"I can't believe he said that. Damon and I are really close and he's never mentioned anything about being in love with you." he said matter-of-factly.

"I don't know what to do Logan. Damon is one of my best friends and Archer is my boyfriend. I don't want to choose sides."

"Do you love Damon?"

Letting out a sharp breath. What type of question is that? Of course I don't love him. "No I don't." I wanted to say, "I don't think he even loves me."

"If you don't love him. Just find out a way of telling him without breaking his heart." he reassured me. Rubbing my back.

The shed door flew open. Both of us jumping to our feet. Archer standing in the doorway. "What the hell?" he yelled.

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