Undecided Truth~ Twenty One

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It's been two days since I last threw up. Maybe I should go see a doctor? I've been throwing up this whole week. I don't know why I'm throwing up all of a sudden. Laying in my bed I couldn't help but notice the calendar. May, 9. My eyes widened and my heart stopped. Not only that my birthday is on May, 23 but I've missed my period for a second time. My menstrual cycle has always started on the eighth ever since I was thirteen. Last month it didn't come on. I thought that maybe that's what happens right after you have sex for the first time. Why did I have to be so naive?

What if I'm pregnant? No that's impossible. I can't be pregnant. I'm only seventeen! Curling into a ball, my hands wrapped around my knees. I felt nauseous. My door creaked open. Haley popping her head in with a bright smile plastered on her face and a bowl of soup. "Hey, sleepy head."

I really am hungry. I'm actually in the mood for ice cream, sprinkled with ruffles and chocolate syrup. With a pickle on the side. Why am I having such a weird craving for food? Usually I'll eat a salad or some chips. "Hales. Thanks." I muttered, taking the bowl of soup. Sitting promptly against my bed board I sat the bowl in my lap. Chicken noodle soup. Yum.

Haley sat on the edge of my bed, "Feeling any better? You've been in this room for two days." Haley checked my forehead. I'm feeling far from better. I want to go out and swim in the water with the boys. "Do you need to see a doctor?"

"Maybe but I'm not sure yet. If I don't feel better soon then I'll go."

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me cook something special tonight. That is if you're feeling better. We could go shopping! It'll be really nice to have some girl time."

Haley wanted to hang with me? Well, we haven't hanged out since the wedding. This is awesome! Hales is like my big sister/ mom to me. Lifting my spoon I blew the soup so it wouldn't be so hot. Taking a sip I moaned. So good. "Haley that would be really nice. I'm feeling better all ready!"

Haley clapped, "Yay! Do you know how tiring it is to be around boys all day? You're my girl! We'll leave around four."

"Awesome." I chuckled softly. Haley skipped out of the room. There's just something I need to do first. Eating the rest of my soup. I got out of bed and changed into something comfortable. Grey sweats and a pink bikini top. Walking upstairs I walked into the boys room. Just Klaus. Figures. Klaus's arms are crossed and his eyes closed. His head against the bed board with earphones in his ear. I could hear screamo blasting loudly. This means don't disturb.

Walking outside towards the balcony. I leaned against the bars. My hair flowing in the wild wind. Logan, Archer and Damon are standing in the sand with four girls. Two blondes, a tall brunette and a red head. Ugh! Walking down the balcony steps I walked towards them. Damon's eyes widened and he nudged Archer's arm.

Archer glanced at me and smiled. He better not be smiling. He's standing here talking to a bunch of sluts.

"Morning sunshine." Damon smirked. Crossing my arms I looked over at the glaring girls. No matter where you go. There will always be mean girls.

Archer walked around Logan to pull me into a hug. "Hey."

Raising my eyebrows, "Who are they?"

Damon and Logan continued to talk to the girls. Figures. I don't understand why Archer's talking to them. Archer cocked his head to the side and grinned,"Don't tell me you're jealous. Babe."

"Why would I be jealous?" I avoided his eyes. Digging my feet into the sand. Archer gave me an amusing grin. I'm not jealous.

"Archer! Are you going to come surfing with us?" One of the blondes said, twirling her hair and smiling. Ugh.

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