A Crushed Heart~Nineteen

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Since Klaus went to school this morning. Shane offered to run with me. The fresh air greeting me when I walked outside. Shane stepping out on to the porch. He told me to go ahead that he'll catch up. I doubt he'll catch up. None of them could out run me. The strong wind flowing wildly through my hair. The smell of the neighbors cooking breakfast filled my nose. Yum. Waffles. The way I quickly sprinted through the woods felt refreshing. Suddenly out of nowhere, Shane appeared beside me. I gasped in shock. How did he? Where did he? Shane?

"Hey, did I tell you I ran track in high school?" he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and gave me a teasing look. Shane ran track? I thought he played football? I guess he chose both.

Giving Shane a competitive expression I shrugged his arms off my shoulders, "How about we race? I'm sure I can beat you Shane."

Blocking a tree branch from hitting his face he dragged his fingertips through his long, blonde hair. Shane smirked, "Want to put some money where your mouth is? Selena, you're so cocky."

"I don't bet. I run."

"Feisty much? Speaking of bets, what's going on with my brothers?"

I haven't really noticed anything unusual lately. Well I remember Damon saying he had to tell me something then he lied about it. We certainly didn't have a limo ride to prom. Then Archer was about to tell me something but I didn't really care or want to know. Shane and I running past the sheds where his brothers are playing loud rock music. Just Damon, Ryan and Logan. Archer's at the house with Max.

I shrugged, "I have no idea. Well, they did get into an argument on Archer's birthday. Ever since, they haven't talked. It's like a division between them. Which involves Archer being left out. Klaus usually tends to himself so he doesn't really count."

Shane stopped in his tracks. Both of us taking a quick break. Leaning against the tree I took a sip of my cold bottled water. Shane and Logan almost look identical. Except Shane's more muscular, lighter, his blue eyes look like the ocean, he has hair on his chin and his blonde hair is longer. Shane wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Maybe you should ask them?"

Staring at Shane, giving him a skeptic look. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Narrowing his eyes, "What? I'm as clueless as you are. I don't know it's just, the guys have been whispering a lot lately and I heard a few things. It doesn't matter. Race you back to the house on three!"

Biting my lip nervously. I feel like everyone's hiding something from me but what? Klaus said he had to tell me something after school. Maybe I can ask him about what's going on then. Grinning at Shane like a wild chipmunk I agreed to the challenge. The minute he said three. We took off.

Running my hands through my hair whilst the steaming hot water poured over my body. I really needed this shower. I can't believe Shane beat me in racing! He's really good. I didn't want to pace myself to much. Scrubbing myself with soap. My body covered in suds. Washing off I stepped out of the shower. Reaching for a towel I wrapped it around my body. My hair dripping wet as I stepped into the hall. Walking upstairs I changed into something comfortable. A pair of my favorite skinny jeans and my Dad's Harvard sweatshirt. Crawling into my bed I took a nap.

It's around four in the afternoon when I woke up. I really need to start going to sleep early. Rubbing the temple of my eyes I get out of bed. Amy walked into my room, literally jumping into my bed. Milo immediately started barking at her. I think he needs to go for a walk. Amy's eyes widened and she couldn't stop screaming, "Guess what! Guess what!"

Cracking a smile I yawned, "What?"

Amy jumped off my bed and grabbed my arms. She's so happy and excited about something. "Nick asked me to be his date to our eight grade dance!" she fanned herself. Both of us jumping up and down and shrieking together. OMG they're too cute together! "And that's not even the best part! He asked me to be his girlfriend and you know what I said?"

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