School's Out ~ Seventeen

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Waking up this morning wasn't like any other school day. It's the last school day of my high school life. Not in two months I'll be heading off to the next grade. This summer is actually four months. Longest summer vacation I'll ever have. The last month of summer I'll be heading back home. Since I sent Yale my rejection letter I'll be going to Duke University in the fall with the brothers. I haven't told my Dad yet. I'm planning on telling him today. I know he'll be highly upset. I don't want him to be disappointed in me but it's my choice. I'll be turning eighteen next month in May. College classes doesn't start until September. Brushing my teeth and combing my hair. I went into my closet. What should I wear? Taking a black tank top out of the dresser and pulling it over my head. I walked back over to my closet taking my Ralph Loren, blue and white striped off the shoulder top off the hanger. Pulling it over my head I slipped into a mini black skirt. Grabbing my black, low cut boots I walked into Archer's room where he had just pulled off his shirt. My eyes wandering along his muscular arms and his bare back. Coughing softly he quickly turned around. His lips curving into a wide smile. A lump formed in the back of my throat when I stared at his chest. His six pack! Just wants to make me pounce on him right now but I'll save that for later. Hehe.

Archer pointed to his chest, "Like what you see?" Of course! That's like a rhetorical question. A blind person would have to disagree. No offense. Biting my lip softly, I slowly walked towards Archer giving him my puppy dog face. Pushing him on to his bed I laughed, "Well aren't you cocky?"

Archer crossed his arms behind his head, "I can be at times. Hey, I heard after school there's going to be a bonfire by the lake. Only Seniors so don't go telling any freshman or juniors. Like Klaus." he winked. Examining his six pack I grinned. Sitting on his bed I began to put on my shoes. Archer moving closer so he could wrap his arms around me, pulling me on to his lap kissing the side of my neck. Bonfire? That sounds like fun. I wouldn't dare ruin a party by telling freshman and sophomores. Juniors are okay and I wouldn't tell Klaus anything. We aren't talking. I just avoid him any chance I get. He said sorry about a hundred times. Well three. I guess he just gave up. I don't know when I'm going to talk to him again. Then the whole issue with Damon. He won't even look at me. The only brother that is talking to me is my boyfriend.

Archer played with the necklace he gave me. I haven't took it off since he gave it to me except to take a shower. "Yeah I'll go and you don't have to worry about me telling Klaus. We aren't exactly on speaking terms."

"Why? You two are the closest. Honestly, I thought you would've dated him at first."

Craning my neck to look at my boyfriend. I stared at him with a awkward look. "Klaus? He's not exactly my type. We're close but we got into a stupid argument over his girlfriend who apparently is a coke addict."

Archer nodded his head. Raising his eyebrows he gave me a small smile. Scratching the back of his head, "Klaus isn't exactly the best person to get along with. He's always been the one to keep to himself and he's not afraid to express his opinion which is kind of harsh. I was surprised you two bonded. You're complete opposites. Klaus needs a friend like you. He hardly ever talked or hanged with us until you came along. Whatever he said to you, just forgive him. That's just the way he is, Lena."

Looking down at my shoes I sighed. Archer is absolutely right. Why does he always know exactly what to say? Kissing his cheek I stood. Walking out of his room I knocked on Klaus's door which is across from his. Klaus told me to go away. Opening his room door he's laying on his bed wearing a skull shirt. His hair covering his eyes. Blowing smoke out of his mouth. He didn't notice that I walked in. Rolling my eyes I folded my arms across my chest,"Klaus. I wanted to say I'm sorry for not giving your girlfriend a chance and it won't happen again."

Klaus sat up. His cigarette in-between his fingers. Raising his eyebrow, "It doesn't matter I broke up with her anyway. I'm sorry for yelling at you too."

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