~ Chapter 9 ~

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I phased back and put my clothes on, before storming up my front porch; knowing the door wasn't lock, I kicked the door open causing it to smash into a photo frame. The glass shattered and fell to the floor but I couldn't care less right now.

All I could think off was that leec... Vamp.. Emmett. My imprint, he sure was handsome but he wasn't really alive; he was dead and a cold frozen killer, the stupid idiot lives of blood. I do have to give him credit for choosing animal instead of human. If he didn't he would be dead right now, I let out a whimper at the thought of my imprint dead but then again it would of been better if he was ripped apart before I imprinted; that would of left me free from the curse.

But I have no such look, I'm stuck with it. Still doesn't mean I accept it, he maybe my imprint but he will never know. And neither will my brother... Only god knows what will go down if they found out.

The whole thing was confusing, why would I imprint on a vampire? Imprinting helps you find your soul mate, it chooses the best person for you to help raise a family and carry on the bloodline.

How am I meant to do that been paired with a leec... with Emmett. Seriously did I do someone wrong in the world to upset the great spirits.

I screamed in raged and picked up vase; that was my mothers and throw it across the room, it smashed against the wall. Water dripped down the wall to the ground, I flung my arms in the air as my body shook, I needed to calm a bit.

I couldn't phase, my brothers can't find out... I am secretly in love with a Cullen... Wait? What?. "No, no, no, no" I mumbled "I am not in love" I screamed out "Not with him" All I saw was red and the sound of crashing.

Coming to my senses I noticed I had turned the coffee table over, newspapers and magazines spread out across the floor; I've made a right mess but at the moment I couldn't care less.

I took a deep breath and laid down on the sofa, I ran my hands over my face "Deep breath Taylor" Inhale and exhale "Your just over thinking this" I mumbled, I began chewing on my thumb nail; it was a bad habit of mine, I do it when I'm nervous or upset. And right now I was both.

"Maybe I didn't imprint" I hopefully say to myself, but that goes away as my heart rate raised at the image of Emmett crossing my mind "Nope" I whispered "I really did" I closed my eyes hoping to stop the tears; I didn't want this, I didn't want to be a wolf either.

I going to blame that stupid pale faced lee.. um, Cullen lover Bella Swan. She's the reason why I'm a wolf in the first place, and the reason why I had the chance to imprint and then she brings my imprint with the pixie just because they thought she was dead.

I shot up from the sofa in panic, was my imprint safe? I just left without checking, was he still at Bella's? Maybe I could go and check but that would mean phasing.

Oh man this is so hard, but I have to my body is telling me to go. I rushed out of the house and into the woods, just as I was about to phase a howl ripped into the air. Taking a deep breath, I tried to hide all thoughts on Emmett and me... Imprint "Oh, please work" I mumbled and quickly phased shredding my clothes "Damn it forgot to strip" I rolled my eyes.

"Jacob go home!" I heard Sam growl.

"What's going on?" I asked earning a growl from Sam, I flinched under the power in his tone.

"You were meant to come here straight after you finished with Jacob" Sam says and played the events of him talking to Jake about the Cullen's going to Italy; well apart from Emmett.

I quickly held back my excitement of Emmett been over the treaty line "I was just coming Sam" I shot back "I needed some new clothes, I ripped mine when I phased after seeing Cullen lover and her friends" I lied, hoping he would believe me.

"Cullen lover?" Sam asked confused, I cringed at my mistake.

"Um, lee..ch lover" I spat back, my heart hurt at calling them a leech.

"Are you okay Tay?"

"I'm fine, still a bit pissed off" I says back to him, I needed to get to the treaty line to make sure he was okay "I think I'll stay in wolf form for a while and check the treaty line"

"Alright" He paused a moment, I knew he was trying to prey into my mind for information.... Not today buddy "Go remind the Cullen that stayed about the treaty and to get the leader vampire to call once everything is settled"

"Will do boss" I heard Sam leave my mind, I sighed in relief and let the thoughts and images of my imprint cloud my mind. I sprinted back to the house and phased back to get some clothes before I raced to the treaty line and gave out a bark.

Time to meet my imprint... Time to see if I can reject him like I plan to or forced to love him.

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