~ Chapter 22 ~

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It took a lot of will power to leave my imprint last night, I whimpered all the way home. However I made it just in time, I was able to have a shower, wash my clothes and spray the house. I finished just as Paul walked through the door. I doubt he would have noticed, he was too busy chewing me for information about Emmett and what we did.

All I replied with was he was going have to wait to find out about him; also that we spent time together in forks. I couldn't tell him we were in a meadow, as they weren't any meadow on our side.

This morning I woke up with a smile on my face, and nothing was going to ruin my happiness, I quickly got dressed and pulled my hair up in a pony tail then went down stairs "Morning Paul" I walked over to him and give him a sisterly kiss on the cheek.

Paul looks up at me with his eyebrow raised "Morning?" He says a little unsure with himself. Or maybe it was me "Your awfully cheerful this morning Tay"

"It's a beautiful morning" I shot back, pulling my shoe on; in truth it was a beautiful morning the sun was shining which hardly every happens in La Push.

"Yeah, okay" Paul replied, moving himself off the sofa and to put on his own shoes.

"You ready?" I said walking to the door, Paul grunted in response. I shook my head at him and left the house. I sighed and breathed in the fresh air, everything was just better then usual. . . . Man this imprint effect is really a strong thing.

"Come on Taylor!" Paul shouts, I turn to see him opening the Lahote truck, I rushed over and jumped into the passenger seat.

The drive was quite, but I didn't mind. My thoughts were only on a certain vampire, as we got closer to Sam's I realized I was going to be tease about my huge grin.

However I couldn't care less, the only ones that will understand is Jared and Sam "Taylor!" Paul shouts, shaking my arm.

"What!!" I snapped out, looking at him with annoyance. It was then I noticed we have arrived at Sam's "Oh" I sheepishly say running my fingers through my pony tail "Sorry"

"Whatever" He says jumping out of the truck with me following behind, I took a deep breath "Ready to be teased" He smirks at me.

"Shut up" I say pushing him slightly, but he doesn't move.

"Hey guys" We both say as we entered. I smile at them and walk over to the table and seated myself next to Sam.

I leaned over to him "Thank you for what you did" I whispered quietly "I enjoyed spending time with him" I smile wide.

Sam pulls me into a side hug "Your welcome" He places a kiss on my hair "If you want to do it again just let me know and I'll talk to them again" I nodded my head in excitement, I couldn't wait for that day.

"The world is ending" Everyone turned they attention to Quil, we all stared at him in confusion "Taylor Lahote is smiling brightly"

This time Everyone looks to me, I turn my head and tired to hide it in Sam's shoulder "What has you so happy?" Jared asked.

I remove my head and look to my pack "Um I- I" I stuttered.

I saw Paul roll his eyes at me "She spend time with her imprint" The pack wolf whistled making me blush "Oh shit" Paul breathed out "She's blushing"

"Shut up" I growled.

"Ignore then Taylor" Sam says sending a glare to the pack.

"They don't understand yet" Jared took over, I nod my head and gave them a little smile.

"Sooo" Quil trailed off "What did you do?" The pack went back to there food but still listened in; all apart from Embry who looked at me with a sad look on his face. However his held eyes held anger.

"Not much" I muttered "We just got to know one another" I look down at my sandwich and took a bite out of it.

"Is that all?" Jake spoke up.

"We shared a kiss" I sighed dreamily, I heard the pack laugh at my expression. I could care less right now my thought were on Emmett tasty lips on top of mine.

I really couldn't wait to share more with him "Wow" Embry voice rang through my ears, the whole table went silent. I turned my attention to him, his chair was on the floor and he was shaking "Your so whipped Tay" I remained silent, just stared at him "I didn't think you would give in so easily"

"Embry she can't fight it" Sam jumped in, looking at his pack brother "It's dangerous for her and her imprint"

"She could have" He snapped at Sam then looks back me "Your choosing him over me" I felt tears cloud my vision. Did it really look that way? But then again we were never together. Yeah, we may have held feeling for each other but it didn't go any further then that.

"She's not choosing anyone" Paul snapped, reaching over and places his hand on top of mine "She didn't imprint on you and you didn't imprint on her" He growled lowly "That means you aren't made for each other"

"You don't even like imprinting" Embry accused "Why are you supporting this?"

"Because no matter how much I hate it" Paul pauses and looks me in the eyes "My sister is happy and I know for a fact that she won't be hurt by her imprint"

"We haven't even met him" Embry shot back. . . . He just doesn't give up.

I growled lowly, I have had enough and shot up out of my seat "Why can't you just be happy for me?" I snapped, glaring at my so called best friend.

"Because I love you"

I froze on my spot looking at him "I don't love you" I croaked out "Not like that" Tears began to fall from my eyes, I couldn't let my pack see me weak "You have to get over it, your imprint is out there" With that said I sprinted to door and pulled it open, I jump off the porch and phased in mid air and let out a sad howl and sprinted deep into the woods.

Why couldn't things be simple? Who am I kidding I live in a supernatural world nothing is ever simple.

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