~ Chapter 41 ~

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AN: I've been watching Shadowhunters lately and fell in love with Matthew Daddario and a OC formed for a twilight story. . . . Well for two one would be for Leah, however I would like the idea of it being Male/Male my ideas lead to Paul as his reaction would be awesome to write but I also like the idea of Jacob.

Please let me know if you would be interested in a Male/Male and which wolf to pick or even vampire, if not then I will go ahead with Leah Clearwater story.

Also the chapter is a filler to tie up loose ends before the action comes.


I spend the rest of my day hanging about with Emmett in my room, we didn't continue from our make out and Paul made sure I kept my door opened, even though he had super hearing. . . . Over protective brother.

We were laid in bed, my head was on Emmett chest, his fingers ran through my hair. I was rather relax thanks to his actions, I felt my eyes drop but soon jumped at the sound of my brothers voice "Taylor don't forget you have patrol in twenty mintutes" Paul shouts up, I groaned and laid back down, snuggling my head into Emmett chest.

Emmett chuckles at me"I don't wanna go"I mumbled out.

"I know baby" Emmett rubs my arms soothing me, I let out a sigh and moved away from him.

"I guess it time for you to go" I said, my heart tugged at the thought of not seeing my imprint for a coupleof days. . . . Stupid patrol, or rather stupid me for getting into trouble.

"I guess" He whispers, he pulls me into his arms and planted his lips on mine "I'm going to miss you baby" He says, as he pulls away, making me whimper.

Two whole days without those lips.

"If you need me I'm only a phone call away" Emmett stroke my cheek and places a kisson my forehead "Are you walking me back?"

I let out a sigh and shook my head, my heart broke at the sadness that flickered across my imprints eyes "I'm sorry baby" I whisper, I wrap my arms around his neck and burried my head inhis neck, sniffing in his sent "I'm going to head over to Emily's and Sam's"

"You don't need to explain" Emmett says and pulls away "I get it" He pauses a moment as he looks me over "He's your brother and you don't want to stay mad at each other" I nod my head, he was right. I didn't want Sam angry at me and It was pointless to be angry in the first place. Sam was just looking out for me, he wanted me safe and in truth Victoria did seem to hurt me alot.

I take Emmett's hand and lead him downstairs "We're heading off Paul" I called out "I'm heading to Sam's before patroling" I heard him moving, moments later Paul appeared by the door "I'll see you in the morning if your not awake by the time I come home"

Paul nods and placesa kiss on my head "Be safe and I'm glad your going to make up with Sam, he feels awful" My face dropped at his comment, I felt Emmett's hand onmy shoulder making look at him, I nod my head telling him I was okay.

"I didn't mean to make him feel like this" I whisper, my eyes filled with tears, I backed away from my brother and imprint and headed for the door; ignoring the calls from them, I sprinted out of the house and straight to Sam's.

I needed to apologize.

In no time I made it to Sam's, I took a deep breath before making my way in. Emily pops her head around the corner, a smile appeear on her lips at the sight of me. I went to open my mouth to ask where Sam was but she beat me too it "He's out the back sulking" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, he really was upset with himself "Now go cheer him up" Emily gently pushes me in the direction of the backyard.

My heart broke at the sight infront of me, Sam look like he hadn't slept. He was tidying up the lawn, pulling out the weeds "Sammy" I gently called out. He froze, his hands dropped the weeds he just pulled out, I let out a breath and said what I wanted to say "I'm sorry" I took a step forward "I'm so sorry, I know your only protecting me and I realized that after our fight" I took a shaky breath "I'm just stubborn" I heard a small laugh leave Sam's lips "It runs through the Lahote's blood"

I kept on rambling, hoping he would forgive me, I didn't realize that Sam was now standing infront of me, not untill I was pulled into his arms "I forgive you little sis" I let out a little sob and burried my head into his next "I'm sorry too little Lahote" I let out a chuck at the nickname.

I pulled away and looked up a Sam "I truly am sorry" I says, Sam raises his eyebrow and gave me a funny look "What?"

"I'm just getting used to you apologizing" I rolled my eyes at him "Thank you Emmett" I heard him whisper.

"What has Emmett got anything to do with it?"

Sam chuckled "He's made you soft" I shook my head at him and pouted my lips, I didn't want to admit it but I knew he was right. Sam once again laughed at my expression "Time for patrol missy"

"Who am I with?" I asked him.

"Embry" I groaned at his answer. Just great, was this apart of my pushinment "He asked to be with you tonight" Sam shot me a behave look "He has something to tell you" A smile spread across his lips as he finished talking, I looked at him confused.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really" I spun around to see Embry coming over to us. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of my best friend, it was only then did I realize that I missed him and wanted him back in my life. . . . I really had a habit of falling out with my pack brother.

"I'll leave you both to it" Sam says, walking away "Just don't forget to patrol" I let out a little laugh, before turning to Embry. He was staring at me, without warning I was in his arms.

"Oh, god" I cried out "I've missed you"

"Me too Tay" He pulls away and grabs my arms leading us to the forest "I have something to tell you Tay" We pause at the edge of the forest, he turns to look at me "But first" He took a breath "I feel really awful for the way I've been treating you and Emmett" My eyes widen in surprise, was he really coming to terms with me been with Emmett? That didn't sound like Embry, he was a determined lad, he wouldn't just give up. I studied him as he continued to apologize about his action.

It was then I noticed what had changed. . . . He was lookig at me with the same look that Paul and Sam gave me. A protective look that a brother gives to his sister.

Something had change. . . . I squealed as I figured it out, Embry looks at me in shock as my arm flung around his neck "You imprinted" I screamed, making him laugh. He understand now, he knew I couldn't fight it and that I couldn't leave Emmett for him "What's her name? Do we know her? Does she go to our school?"

"Calm down Tay" Embry chuckled.

"Sorry" I blushed.

"Her name is Cassie Nightingale, she's the same age as us and will be joining our school. She's just moved here and I've ony talked to her once, met her at the market when I was working" I smiled as he sigh dreamily thinking about her.

"I want to see her and we have patrol" I says excitely, pulling Embry into the wood to phase.

It was so great to have my best friend back.

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