~ Chapter 45 ~

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By the time we had made to my house Collin had just finished telling me how hard life has been without me. I felt guilty for leaving him but with after seeing in Sam's mind about what he did to Emily, I didn't want to risk that with Collin; more so with me being one of the bad tempered in the pack. I unlocked the door and walked inside, placing the keys on the table by the door "Home sweet home" I commented, turning to look at Collin. I smile as he scanned the room.

"Nothing changed here" He mumbles, I hummed at his comment and looked around the room myself "Apart from a missing vase" He shots me a look, I raise my eyebrow at him "Where is it?" He asks, I bowed my head and stared at my feet "Taylor it was your mot-"

"I know that" I said through gritted teeth "How did you know I did something to it?"

"I just know you" He lets out a breath "We may have not seem one another for a while but you still pull the same expression when you've done something wrong or you don't want to talk about things" He chuckle for a moment "I just went with the first one"

A smile spreads across my face, it warmed my heart to know he still knew me inside and out; just like I did with him. I cleared my throat "I kind of broke it" I sheepishly say, I just knew my cheeks have gone red.

"Kind of. . . ." He trails off "Don't tell me you phased near it or something?" His expression made me laugh.

"No, I didn't" I told him, I look over to the spot the vase used to be, then looked back at him with an amused expression on my face "I hardly think the house would be standing if one of us wolves phased"

"True" His eyes lit up "So, what happened?"

I once again look to the floor "I was angry because I imprinted" I mumbled and shrugged my shoulders "You know I wasn't a fan of love" I say looking back up at him. Collin nods his head, he knew I didn't want to find love, not with the way my parents turned out; same with Collin's parent, being in love just wasn't enough. . . . But now, now I see things differently and that's all thanks to Emmett.

"You can't have rejected your imprint" Collin comments, he looks me over "Sam told me if it would hurt and that it wouldn't be good for both you or the wolf" He took a step closer "You look fine to me"

I let out a dreamy sigh thinking about my imprint "I did at first but I just couldn't stay away" My fingers gently tangled through my hair "That wasn't the reason why I was angry. . " I pause a moment "Well, it was a little" I let out a breath, I didn't know how to tell him. He needed to know from me that my imprint was a vampire, the very creature we were born to kill.

"Who is it?" Collin asks, his eyes connecting with mine "It can't be that bad? . . " He pauses and frowns "Can It?"

"I don't find it bad now but before" I couldn't think of the words to describe how I was at the begining. It's true that I've changed; even the pack agree and I'm glad to be the person I am today. I took another breath and blurted out my answer "He's a vampire"

I watch as Collin's eyes widen and his mouth open in shock "Really?" He squeaks out, I sigh and nod my head in confirmation "That's awesome!" I jump back in surprise.

"Exc-use m-e?" I stuttered out.

Collin laughed and pulled me into his arms, he pulls away after a moment "It doubt someone from the tribe with be able to put up with you" He smirks, making me roll my eyes "I mean come on your Taylor Lahote a hotheaded women that takes no crap from anyone" I shook my head in amusement. Collin hand went on my shoulder, he looks at me sternly "Seriously momma Taylor, I'm happy for you"

"Thank you" I lean forward and kiss his head "Now that's sorted, how about you go take a shower" Collin nods his head in agreement "The room is the same one you always used" Collin's lips twitched a little "You also have a clothes here but I doubt they will fit you now" I laughed out "I'm sure Paul has soon you can borrow"

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