~ Chapter 37 ~

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I rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab my coat. Paul looks at me with his eyebrow raised, I ignored him and stole a piece of toast that was on his plate. He growled playfully at me, I let out a giggle and kissed his cheek "Going to spend time with Emmett" I tell him with my mouth full. I then took a sip of his coke, giving him a smile before leaving the room "I won't be out too long" I call back and opened the door.

"Have fun" I hear him call out as I shut the door, taking a deep breath I headed to the woods. I was excited to see my imprint it had been nearly over a week since I last saw him; bewteen patrol and looking for the red head and lets not forget guarding Bella, we have had no time to see each other.

However I managed to get Sam to give me the day off, he knew that I was becoming miserable without seeing Emmett and I hardly doubt anyone would want to handle a wolf pining over their mate.

I also have to admit that I would off used Emily against him. That women can be scary when she wants to be. I was glad she didn't have to step in and that Sam agreed straight away. It was nice to know that your alpha knew what I was going through with not seeing Emmett.

I walked through the woods enjoying the beauty off the forest, it was nice and calming to walk instead of running in wolf form. Not that I didn't love the feel of the wind brushing through my fur or the feel of the ground underneath my paws. . . . It was just refreshing walking on two feet in the woods.

A smile grew on my face as I saw a figure at the boarder, it was Emmett. I let out a giggle and run into his arms, hearing my giggle Emmett turns around and manages to catch me. A wide smile spreads across his face, he lowers his head and connects his lips to mine. I let out a small moan at the contact, it seemed like forever since we last shared a kiss. I pulled away needing air "Well hello handsome"

Emmett chuckles "Hello beautiful" He places a kiss on my forehead and holds me close.

"What are we doing today?" I asked with a smile, my smile fell at the look that crossed his face "Please don't tell me you have to leave" I whined out, it was abit pathetic of me really but it hurt that he might have to leave me with after only seeing each other for about 5 seconds.

Emmett holds my face in his hand, his thumb gently stroke across my cheek "I'm sorry" He says making me whimper "But I need to hunt" My eyes connect with his and my smile grew back.

"I can come with you" I suggested. Emmett looks conflict with himself at my suggestion "I won't get in the way I promise"

"It's not that baby" He says leaninghis head on mine "Vampire's are abit aggressive when it comes to their food" I nod my head in understandment.

"I understand" I whisper out "I'll stay out of the way" A wicked smirk crossed my face "I might even hunt a deer myself"

Emmett eyebrow rose, a confused look crosses his face "What?"

I nod my head "Deer is tasty in wolf form" Emmett shot me a explain look "Before the whole redhead thing Sam used to call the pack and we bonded over hunting deer" I let out a giggle thiñing off the first time we did it. We had a competition to see who could bring down the biggest deer "At first I thought it would be awful but it wasn't" I ran my fingers through his hair "Sam lived off it when he first became a wolf and couldn't shift back"

Emmett smiles at my story, he pecks my lips and moves out of my grip "Okay"

My face lit up and a squeal escaped my lips "I can come?"

"Sure" He held out his hand for me to take "I'm also curious to see you take down a deer"

"Perpare to be amazed Mr Cullen" I tell him, placing a quick kiss on his lips, I took of my jacket and gave it to Emmett to hold. I took a step back and shifted into my wolf not caring that I ripped my clothes. I shook out my fur and tilt my head at my mate.

"Off we go Miss Lahote" Together we sped through the forest looking for the perfect hunting ground.

The deeper we got into the forest the sent of deer caught my nose, I let out a bark and stopped. Emmett looks to me "Dinner time" I bowed my head "I'll try not to be long" He kisses my snout and runs off. I move closer and watch as Emmett tackles a male deer, I watch with interest as his mouth locks on around the males neck. A shiver ran theough my spine at the sight of my mate killing the animal.

Who would of thought. . . Me. . The vampire hater enjoying a vampire in his nature.

I move my sight to the herd, a medium em size buck was drifting away from the group. I lowered my body to the ground and steadily crawled closer to my prey. I lift my bottem end into the air preparing myself to pounce. A stick snaps to the side off me alerting my prey, I let out a growl and jumped into the air landing right on top of the deer. My prey tried to buck me off but I somehow managed to sink my teeth into it neck, killing the deer instantly.

"That was awesome" I turn to look at my mate a growl left my mouth. Emmett held up his hands "I'm sorry" He says walking a little closer "I didn't mean to interupt your hunt" A little pout plays on his lips making it hard to stay mad at him. I roll my eyes and shook my head, I move tothe belly of the deer and began to dig in. I pull away and lick my snout the taste of blood was heaven to my wolf.

Emmett let out a chuckle as he watched me, my tounge fell to the side of my mouth as I tired to smile. My actions caused Emmett to burst out laughing. I once again rolled my eyes, I ket out a bark and nodded my head to my kill. . . . I was inviting my mate.

"Are you sure?" He asks unsure at my offer. I bow my head in reply before going back to my meal. I happily dance in my head as my imprint joined me.

"Would you look at this" A voice spoke up, causing me and Emmett to pause, I lift my head to see the redheaded vampire. I let out a growl, it was getting annoying that this one vampire was alway ruining my time with my mate "A wolf and a vampire sharing food" She let out a laugh "What has the world come too?" She asks looking bewteen us.

Another growl left my mouth as I moved infront of Emmett. That bitch wasn't getting her hand on him "Taylor" Emmett whispers to me, his hand gripped my fur.

"This is interesting a vampire mated with a wolf" I growled at her my claws dug into the ground "Awe is the little puppy angry" My temper got the better off me as I lunged at her, I pinned her to the ground only to be kick back out. I was flung into a tree, a whimper left my mouth.

"TAYLOR" Emmett screamed at me, however I wasn't paying attention, my attention was focused on the redhead. I growled and took a step forward, this resulted in the redhead running away. I shot my head back and let out a long howl. . . . I called for my pack.

I look to Emmett, he looks down at me with a worried expression on his face. I licked his hand and nodded in the direction of his house "I will get my family baby" A howl is heard in the distance, my brothers had join but I kept their voices a bay "Be safe" He kisses my nose, I bark at him before taking off back to my side of the forest.

The hunt was once again on.

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