~ Chapter 40 ~

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I reacted quickly and jumped off my imprint, I then moved off the bed and stood protectively infront of my boyfriend "It's not what it looks like" I tried out; I doubt it would work as I knew what our moment was leading too.

Paul chuckled darkly "Of course not Taylor" He growled as his eyes settled on Emmett over my shoulder, it was then I noticed that he had sat up and was looking over at Paul "I saw his hands going to pull off your shirt"

I let out a sigh, my fingers began to play with the bottom of my shirt "I thought you were okay with this" I shouted back, a growl threatened to leave my throat "You said it was okay as long as I agree to it"

"I didn't hear you agree to anything Taylor" He snapped at me, Emmett puts his hand on my shoulder, his touch made me calm down a little; after all I didn't want to hurt my imprint "Also I don't need to hear you and him together" A smirk appeared on his lips, I cringed and shook my head knowing he was about to embarrass me "Not like last time"

I growled at him, I felt Emmett freeze up behind me. I turn to look at him, he eyes held sadness but also understanding. I mean he was old he had to be with a few women in his life time; it's not like I knew I was going to turn into a wolf and find my soul mate, if I did I would of saved myself for him. . . . However I had no clue "Shut up" I snapped.

"Afraid Emmett won't want you anymore now he knows your not pure" He sneered, his words cut me like a knife. Why was he been so awful to me? We didn't do anything wrong.

"Son of a bitch" I screamed, my body began to shake "Your the manwhore of La Push" A smirk of my own appearedon my lips "How will your imprint feel about you having a girl in this house every other night" I took a step forward "I've only slept with two guys in the last two years" Paul glares down at me "You on the other hand has been with the whole of La Push and maybe even Forks"

"Um. . . . Guys" Emmett calls out but neither Paul or me answered. Both of our bodies shook, neither one of us broke eye contact, I growled at my brother, I balled my fist ready to punch my big brother in the face. I went to raise my hand, only for Emmett to stand between us, I gasp in fright at seeing him so close to a angry shaking Paul.

"Emmett move" I plead at him, I look around him to see my brother's face soften a little "Please" I say looking back at him.

"No" He narrowed his eyes at me before looking over his shoulder "You both need to calm down and stop fighting" He took a breath and moved to stand beside me "Your sibling for god sake, you shouldn't be fighting each other"

My eyes connected with Paul's, his were filled with tears; as were mine "I'm sorry" Paul mumbled quitely, it was loud enough for me to hear him. My heart lightened up at his words, Paul hardly apologizes "I know I said it was okay" Paul ran his fingers through his hair "It's ju-" He pauses and takes a breath "It's just your my baby sister and I guess I'm just afriad to lose you" He looks at the floor, I knew this was uncomforable for him. Paul never likes to talk about his feeling; or even show his feeling unless it was anger.

"I understand that" Emmett says stepping closer to Paul, he places his hand on my brother's shoulder "I may not remember much of my human like but I remember have a younger sister named Catherine" He took a small breath "Back in my day" I let out a snort, Emmett throws me a wink "Girls were married young and before I was attacked by a bear my sister was married to her bestfriend" He smiles lightly at Paul "but before that happened 'I walked in on them before the marriage and let me tell you it was something you should never see your sister doing" He chcukled a little, Paul smiles at him "I tell you something man, I was so anger at them both but when she told me that she would one day marry him my heart just melted" Emmett holds out his hand for me to take "I'm sorry you had to see that mate" He looks to me and pulls me to his chest "One day I'm going to marry this amazing, bad tempered but beautiful girl" I let out a laugh and gave him a quick kiss.

We both look at Paul, I giggled at the stunned expression his face "Well I-" He stuttered out, he opened and closed his mouth. . . . Oh snap, Paul was speechless.

Paul smiled then shocked both of us with a hug "Welcome to the family man" He pulls away and kisses my forehead "Your a lucky bitch Tay!"

I giggled at his response "I know I am" I snuggled closer into Emmett embrace "I am also sorry" I tell him, Paul nods his head accepting my apologly. I pull away from myimprint and look to my brother "Is there a reason you came into my room or did you just want us to stop?"

"I had a reason" He answers "Sam asked me to tell you that you have extra patrol as from tonight to Thursday and Friday morning as Jake said something about a party at the Cullen's on the night time you thought you would be going" Paul finishes of and looks at Emmett.

"What party?" I asked, my eyebrow raised "Where you going to invite me?"

"Of course I was baby" Emmett says, rubbing the back of his neck " I was also going to ask if you could come my graduation on Friday morning but I guess you can't since you have patrol"

My face fell "Oh I'm sorry Emmett" My eyes water a little, I was going to miss my imprint graduate from school. . . . Me and my temper. I shot a look to Paul, he nods to us both before leaving the room "If I had known I would of kept my mouth shut"

Emmett chuckled "Is that even possible for you to control your temper baby"

I wrapped my arms around his neck, placing little kisses along his neck "For you I would" I stare at him "I would do anything for you my mate" Emmett leans to me and places his lips on to mine, he pulls away and rests his head on mine.


An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora