~ Chapter 20 ~

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My eyes wandered over the family once more before I turned my full attention to Emmett, I held a plead look in my eyes hoping he would understand that I was feeling uncomfortable; been around Edward was alright but this is different and my wolf isn't liking it one bit. My instincts are telling me to shift and leave no one but Emmett alive.

"I think it would be best if you take her somewhere Emmett" Edward spoke up, my head snapped in his direction "She needs to get use to our scent and understand that we are not to be harmed"

"Like she could do damage" Blondie snapped, making me growl and take a threatening step forward.

"Would you like to put that to a test" I snarled as my body began to shake.

"Look at her" She says pointing at me "Wolves are dangerous" She looks to the leader "She doesn't have control"

"Rose leave the girl alone" Jason snaps at his wife, pulling her into his arms "Like Ed said, she's dealing with our scents"

"And is stopping herself from shifting and doing her job" Jasper jumps in. A pair of arms worked there way around my waist and I was pulled back to my mates chest, instantly calming me down.

The Cullen's look at us in shock "Thanks" I breathed out to my mate.

"Your welcome" He replies placing a kiss on the side of my head, I sighed at the contact is everything he does to me going to me feel like this.

"How?" Blondie breathed out.

"He reminded her that he was around" Edward says, making his family look between him and me "She wouldn't do anything to harm Emmett"

"He has complete control over me" I told them looking up at Emmett "You keep me calm, you keep me from giving in to my anger"

Emmett smiled his goofy smile "Happy to help" Emmett moves me from his body and takes my hand "Shall we" I let out a little laugh as I nod; taking his hand.

"How can we be sure she won't harm him?" Blondie once again spoke, I rolled my eyes annoyed at the question coming out her mouth. She didn't understand that it would kill me if he was hurt "Am I the only one that thinks this is a bad idea"

I growled loudly and turned on the spot facing the bitch, my Lahote side was coming through "You listen to me and you listen good" I snarled taking a step forward getting in her face "I understand why your worried but you don't need to be, Emmett is SAFE with me" I took a breath "No HARM will come to him while with me and if it did then whatever did it would be DEAD on the spot by ME" My body had begun to shake but I wasn't giving  into the shift easily.

"How do we know your not lying?"

Really!!! Is she really this dumb, doesn't she know anything about mates "Firstly he is my MATE my IMPRINT and if anything where to happen to him, nothing else would matter to me anymore and I would die" I felt tears form in my eyes at the thought of anything harming my imprint "And secondly why would I lie about this" I growled "I'm already going to get shit off the pack once they find out that my imprint is a vampire" I looked to Emmett and smiled sweetly "No offense babe" He just chuckled and shook his head "So next time think before you speak" I took a step away from her and walked over to Emmet "One day that mouth of your will get you and your family into a whole lot of trouble and I think me and my pack will be saving you" I held Emmett's hand tightly as we wandered into the woods.

"Well you really told her" Emmett laughs.

"I guess" I look at my surrounding; this part of the forest was just a beautiful as our side "Was I wrong to do that?"


We broke out into a clearing, the sight in front of me made me shiver in fear. . . . We were in the meadow from my dreams.

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