~ Chapter 30 ~

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Today was the day I was telling my brother. I had planned to tell him once I got home last night, however my lovely brother was passed out on the sofa cuddling with a box of Pringles; it was priceless. I took a photo of him to use for blackmail when I needed it.

I quickly dressed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, I brushed through my hair then let out a deep breath. I look at myself in the mirror; it wasn't my clothes I was looking it was my reflection "Deep breaths" I inhaled and exhaled "You can do it Taylor" I says to myself.

My hands shook as I went to my door and opened it, as I made it to the stairs my knees because weak and my breaths became short. I felt my throat close up in worry and tears form in my eyes, I place my feet upon the first step "It's now or later Tay!" I slowly walk down the stairs, my mind was foggy, I couldn't think of the right words to say to him.

But once I've told him scared me the most. . . . Would he hate me? Would he turn his back on me his sister? I shook my head, I should not think like that. Paul would never turn his back on me and if he did then I never knew him at all.

He was my protective big brother.

I made it to the last step and saw Paul in the kitchen; he wasn't alone Embry was with him. I let out a groan, my morning just keeps getting better and better.

"Morning Taylor" Paul greeted me as I entered the kitchen.

I gave him a tight smile "Morn-" Paul send me a look as I cleared my throat, trying to hide the emotions from my tone "Morning Paul" I walk over to him and place a kiss on his cheek "Embry" I growl out as I look to him.

"Taylor" Embry looks at me sadness within his eyes, I knew things would never be the same between us; especially after he finds out who my imprint is.

"You okay Tay?" Paul asks looking at me with narrow eyes, being my twin Paul could always tell when something was wrong even when others could not.

"No" I truthfully told him, Paul stood up from his seat "Not really" A lone tears escaped my eye. I felt my brother pull me into his arms "Can we talk" I say pulling away from him and making eye contact "Alone" I look over his shoulder at Embry.

Embry raised his hands up "Fine" He stood up and walk to the door "I hope your okay Tay" He says softly before leaving the house, I heard him shift and head for the woods.

"What's the matter baby girl?" Paul softly says pulling down on his knee; like he did when our father was been his drunken arse. Paul moved a piece of my hair and stroked my cheek "You can tell me anything"

I let out a sob at his words, I wanted to believe him but his hate for vampires was strong "I don't want you to hate me" I admitted.

"Oh, baby girl" He once again pulls me into his embrace "I could never hate you"

"You will" I snorted a little, I move from him and look him in the eyes. The sight I was met with made me smile a little. His eyes held concern and love all for me, his twin sister.

"It's about my imprint" I finally told him, I felt my brother stiffen under me, a look of anger sparked in his eyes "He didn't do anything wrong" I quickly told him, my brother relaxed at my words.

"Then what is wrong?"

I look to the ground, letting out a little sniffle "It's who my imprint is"

"Who is it?" I heard my brother whisper to me.

I took a breath "My imprint is E-" A howl broke through the air, the pack was being called out. Both me and my brother look at one another "I'll tell you later" I told him, we both got up and rushed to the woods and shifted.

I had been so close into telling him. That stupid red headed bitch ruin it, god knows when I would tell him again. I just gain enough confidence in that moment to let him know, now it was all lost and the fears are still in my mind.

I quickly tried to clear my mind of my imprint and in telling Paul; right now we needed to focus on Victoria. As we were running to join the other in the chase I smelt my imprint on the other side, I took a quick glance to see him and Jason running in the same direction we are "Looks like the leeches are in the chase as well" Paul sneered to me.

"Better chance at getting her" I shot back at him.

"One can hope Tay" I growled at my brother.

"Shut up both of you" Sam snapped at us "Hurry up and get here before she gets away" Me and Paul both picked up our speed, me being a little a head of him as I was faster. In a matter of minute I saw Seth and Leah, I sprinted pack the two and took my spot beside Embry as Paul went by Jared "No formation today guys" I dug my claw into the ground ready to take off after the bitch "Just don't tired yourself out and try not to get injured" Sam looks to me when he says the last part, I roll my eyes at him.

How was it was my fault I got hurt?

"GO!" I kicked off the ground and sprinted through the forest following the red heads scent; beside me was my brother, Sam and Jared. We four had the most experience in chasing a vampire down, we watch as she jumps the treaty line over to the Cullen's "Keep going she will jump back over to avoid the Cullen's" Sam ordered, I could hear the complains of Leah and Embry, I tried to clear my mind off their thoughts but that was proving difficult as the pair none stop bickered.

"LEAH, EMBRY FOCUS!!!" We all let out a whimper as Sam ordered out pack brother and sister.

"She's back over" Paul says, running forward to catch up with the leech, I followed not long after, we were both neck to neck but only centimeters away from the problem. Just as I pounced onto her she slides under me and quickly moves over to the Cullen's.

I growled and stomped my paw to the ground "I almost had her" I shook off the defeat and took off forward once more, I hope I had another chance at catching her.

Just as I got closer to Sam, I heard Jason shout out at Emmett. My heart froze at his name. Was he hurt? I pushed myself forward, hoping to catch him, I needed to know if he was okay.

"Emmett!!! NO!!" Rosalie screams out, my whole world stops as I watch my imprint and brother collide. Anger bubbled up in me as my brother snapped his jaw at Emmett, I watch him take a step forward toward my imprint.

I growled darkly, I lost all control over my body and I rammed into my brother sending up both to the ground "Taylor!!" The pack say in shock at my action, I hardly cared right now. I shook off the dust as I stood up, I walked over to my imprint fully aware my pack was watching.

"What the hell Taylor?" My brother says as he stood up, I felt his burning gaze on me "Taylor!" He growls as I nudged my imprint's arms, I turn around and stood in front of him protectively.

My brother came forward, brushing Sam off as he tried to stop him, I let out a growl and clawing at the ground.

"Stay away from my imprint"

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now