The Wooden House

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Through the coat of grey fog surrounded the car, emerged a beautiful and cute wooden house. I had just found it, this aunt of ours is SUPER rich and she bought a whole forest, that's why it was not on the GPS, she requested it to not be or something cause it was her land.

The house was huge, but not as big as a mansion or not as small as normal landed property. There was a sign on the front yard, it read: Millie Rosanna Flynn.

So the thoughts flooded in me. How could I not known I have an aunt?

When the car stopped, I turned to my 'aunt' and said," If you are really my aunt, prove it!"

"Yes, I am, let me show you a picture of you." She dug into her handbag and pulled out a crimson red wallet. She opened it and revealed a baby picture of me in one of those pockets for photos.

Okay, I saw that photo before, me wearing the fluffiest of pink dresses a cute pair of butterfly wings and rose below on the ground.

So I trusted her. And maybe felt a little bad for what had happened. Aunt Millie opened the car door and we saw the truck with all our stuff parked right behind us. People began getting off and unloading a few boxes at a time.

Aunt Millie helped Amy take all the brown boxes to her room, those were hers, on the other hand, mine was black. I brought them into my room two at a time.

Aunt Millie said my room was right next to hers which had a white door. Sooner or later, I found the white door through the maze of rooms, it was the only room with a white door. Next to it was a room with a grey door, like all the others had.

I opened it slowly, revealing a room with pastel purple walls, a single bed with midnight purple sheets, a tall cupboard, a set of drawers, a study and a dressing table all made from polished wood. It was okay, I would rate it five out of ten. Or give it a simple 'meh'. Because I didn't like purple.

While I was unpacking all my books, oh and I forgot to mention a shelf which was painted dark purple, I put all my Harry Potter books on the first shelf, my other books like Moby Dick, Black Beauty, Charlotte's Web and The Diary of Anne Frank on the others. Anyways... I felt really proud! The room was almost done, just the study left to do. I was placing my pencil holder on top when I heard clanking. I glanced back and saw Aunt Millie come into my room with a box, the source of the clanking.

"Hey Clarissa, I have a box full of letters here for your door, I want you to choose the colour." She went.

I smiled weakly and dug in the box which was placed on the study. I chose the letters of my name in blue, my favourite colour.

"Good choice!" She commented. I smiled again and said thanks. She took out a hot glue gun and took the letters and began gluing them to the door.

"So what about school?" I asked.

"I'll have to homeschool you, but I promise to hire a good tutor!" She replied. I sighed, I'll never see my BFFs again! Tears nearly leaked out all over my face.

When I finished, I decided to lie on the bed and sulk, hugging my tatted and old stuff bear that my parents gave me, it was my first one and favourite. His eyes were little black pearls, he had a little bow across his neck and a little nose attached to a sewn on smile. He was with me throughout. Even when things were bad.

"Amy! Clarissa!" Aunt Millie called.
What could it be now...?

I hope you all like it so far! Please add this story to your reading lists. I would like to thank AnikaTheAwesome and MidnightLion394 for all the support and Ms_Horrendous for teaching me how to write a good horror story! Do read her stories if you haven't, they're awesome.




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