Game One

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I felt her grip tight on my shoulders, it was so tight I swore my shoulder bones would break any minute. My shirt tore off my shoulders, leaving me in a torn shirt, and her hands boiled my skin. I glanced at it, to my horror, the hand marks on my skin were sizzling and red, I needed some medical attention at that moment! Rose grinned from ear to ear, chuckling, she said," We're here!" It was a silent eerie black pit! I could not detect a single form of life, apart from us. I felt something push me back, it was not Rose as she had disappeared! Next thing I knew, I was tied to a chair with Jessica next to me. A sticky, silverish duct tape was plastered across my face. Each time I tried to breathe through my mouth, the duct tape suffocated me. Leaving me with no choice but to breathe through my nose. The stench of rusting metal was making me more and more nauseous. I glanced around and saw people sitting in a circle. Amy,Emily! I tried getting up and walking to them, but the cold metal chains pressed against my body didn't allow it. "No no Clarissa. No no." Aunt Millie cackled. She sounded like a psychopath, but she was not, she was something else... I could not put my finger on it. Oh wait, maybe a demonic psychopath that was supposed to be in a metal asylum! The chair shifted by itself and I was back next to Jessica! The tapping of heels echoed through the room and glanced around. I spotted that she-demon in the corner, a Sim light shinning above her head, grinning like a psychopath. If my hands weren't tied, they would be around her neck! I hissed and spat at her. That was when I noticed some strangers sitting around me. I had no idea who the whack they were...That was when I saw them, my parents... I was so happy, my heart skipped a beat and my eyes sparkled with joy, they were not really dead?! Everything did not make sense at that moment. My heart was pounding against my chest as if it was eager to pound its way out.

"You must be wondering why you all are here... Welcome. You will follow me to play her games, we play until the last one stands, the winner goes home safe and will have their memory of this erased and their life restored. The rest of you suffer, your organs will be mine, and your souls will be hers." Aunt Millie said.

A thing stepped into the light. It was demonic, it was the thing I saw in the grave. It had pitch black eyes that stared into my soul, it's mouth dropped onto the floor, like a huge black hole, it had Long hair which was longer than its mouth. She smiled at it and gave it a huge bow, it or she said," As my servant has said, you will play my games till you die, I doubt anyone will survive. We will begin with the introduction of everyone. First, Jessica's father, Jake. Clarissa's parents, Mike and Ginny. Daniel. My Monster. Rose. Ginevra( the girl in the bathtub). Amy. Emily. Clarissa. Jessica. That is all." She smiled and continued," Let's start the first game. It is tag. You can find weapons,you have one minute before the killer can move. When the killer starts chasing you, she or he will have to keep chanting, tag you're it.Let's start."  I was untied and the duct tape was gone. "I shall send you now. Also, killer, look around for a weapon." That demon cackled. "You are not the killer right?" I asked Amy in a concerned tone. She shook her head and we ran for our lives. As I ran, I realised that I was in the kitchen, somehow... I immediately searched for a good hiding spot, all I wanted to do was hide. I found a cupboard on top of the kitchen counter and stuffed Amy in, she had to survive. "Ahhh!" Someone screamed. I thanked God, it was Jessica, she said her sister was gone. She was panicking, which made me panic,and I heard someone creeping towards us. "Run!" I whispered. I crawled under the dresser. "Tag you're it!" I heard a screech before it went silent. "OH COME ON! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD TAKE LONGER! LET's PLAY SOMETHING ELSE THEN!" She said. That was when we were back in the chairs, gagged and tied up...

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