A Book

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I was at the dining table munching on my hash brown and eggs which Aunt Millie cooked. Amy was already done with her hash brown and pancakes so she was watching My Little Pony (which I despise) in the living room. She blasted the theme song so loud! I covered my ears, it was so damn annoying! I finished the last bit of egg, the yellowish, salty egg, cooked sunny-side up (my Favourite)tingled my taste buds.

Yum. I placed my plate in the sink and took out my rainbow and glittery new notepad to write about the thing...

I described how it looked as scary and stated it's features. It seemed like something that came out of a horror movie or one of Ms_Horrendous's stories! All I could say was that it sent shivers down my spine. It was too creepy to even say anything else.

I was on my bed just writing when it started shaking. I was so freaked out and tried to jump off, but the door slammed shut and all the other furniture was also shaking vigorously like it was an earthquake. The floor shook so hard that I was pushed off the bed and slid around the floor as if my room was tilting, however, the furniture did not budge, they were just shaking. I was screaming and screaming and the door opened.

"What's wrong?" Aunt Millie asked.

"Nothing."I lied," I just hurt myself."

"Be careful!" She advised and I gave her the weakest smile ever. I wrote that in my notepad too. That was when something flew of the shelf and hit me on the head.

"What the..." I said.

I picked the book up and read the cover. But to no avail, I could not make out the words. They were all like chalk you rubbed of the board and there was still a bit left.

Curiosity got the better of me and I opened the book, it was handwritten. Most likely a log book. But how did it get in my room? How... I never EVER put this there!

Haunted (In Editing)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα