Our World Is Gone

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The Sheriff of Beacon Hills smiled, he felt relaxed and excited

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The Sheriff of Beacon Hills smiled, he felt relaxed and excited. It was the first time he'd felt this way in a long time. Who knew this was how things would turn out.

Melissa was sitting in front of him. Candles lit her face up, making her look even more beautiful in his eyes. The candles gave off a smoky, delightful smell.

He had cooked them dinner.

Melissa had helped him through loosing his son, no one had known what had happened to him, he just vanished. It was the worst, not knowing and also watching as everyone started to give up hope of finding him.

The Sheriff had a hard time moving on, but Melissa McCall had stopped him falling back on the drinks and given his life a new meaning? A new focus. It was strange to think, without Stiles missing, they would have never got this close.

They were now dating, this was their fourth date. The Sheriff hoped his son would have been happy for them, whether he was out lost in this world somewhere or the next.

He didn't really think about that last part, though, he couldn't bare it. No matter what anyone said, he was convinced Stiles was still out there, somewhere.

"I have to say I never pegged you for a romantic," Melissa said, with a bright smile.

The Sheriff chuckled as he said, feeling a bit cheesy at the moment, "What can I say? I'm full of surprises".

Melissa grinned, amused.

They were eating dinner in his kitchen. The only light was a couple of candles in the middle of the table.

Melissa started to eat, but after chewing a bit too long, she seemed to hide a grimace.

The Sheriff looked a little sheepish.

"Let's just say that plate also has a lot of surprises," Melissa said teasingly, raising her eyebrows at the Sheriff.

He said, amused, "Only bad?"

"Mmm, some good, some bad and a little bit in between" She replied playfully.

The Sheriff felt himself redden even more.

Melissa's expression then turned more serious.

"I'm proud of you for making it this far. I don't know what I would have been like if I'd ever lost Scott" Melissa said softly.

The Sheriff said, beaming, "I wouldn't have gotten through it without you"

Melissa blushed.

They leaned in to each other...


They both flinched as the doorbell rang.

It brought them both back to reality with a clang.

Melissa looked up, surprised.

The Sheriff scowled. Who'd ring at this time of night and now of all times?!

He sighed, standing up.

"I'll get that, sorry about that"

"It's okay" Melissa told him honestly.

He walked into the corridor towards the door, hurriedly and grumpily, was it some sort of crazy sales person? Why now?!

Who would ring his bell at this time of night anyway?!

The question also made him uneasy, even a crazy sales person surely wouldn't be this late?

Unless it was the pack with bad news? That thought made him very worried, but now he was facing the door, he could see, there was only one silhouette out there, and it didn't look like Scott. Nor anyone the Sheriff was familiar with...or so he believed.

The Sheriff frowned, walking towards the door and grasping the handle to open it.

He opened the door...

At first, the Sheriff didn't recognize the young man in front of him.

But then...

Then he did.

His heart stuttered and he almost fainted right then!

His son stood before him, all grown up...

Stiles gave the Sheriff a small but little awkward smile.

"Hi, Dad"

Then the Sheriff had a feeling that everything in this town and everything he'd known was about to be twisted, warped and overwhelm everyone.

His world was about to be tipped upside down.

So you can thank the last commenter on my last chapter! I will start updating this story until I finish it! The story I was on Maze Runner/Teen Wolf: Myself Cross over is now finished X

I'll take a couple of days break coming up with a more well thought out plan to this story then I will be updating again and only be concentrating on this story. I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think X

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