Humans Together

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The next day, Mitch leans on a tree in the dense forest

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The next day, Mitch leans on a tree in the dense forest. He hadn't told the pack where in the forest they were meeting, but he knew they would be able to smell him. He tried to get yesterday's disaster out of his mind.

Did they know? Had she told them? He was a little wary, that was the first thing he thought of, and not about what she thought of him. But that did come soon after, the fear and anger in her eyes were hard to forget.

But how could he expect her to understand? How could he expect anyone from the pack to understand? They haven't been what his been through. They hadn't seen that sometimes it's just better for everyone if someone disappears... permanently.


Mitch looked up as Scott's pack came into his eye line. Unfortunately, that still included Theo. Mitch gritted his teeth, not hiding his dislike that Theo was there. Scott stood in front, walking towards him. Anna at his side, she beamed at him.

Mitch smiled back.

Glancing at everyone, he took note that everyone was here, apart from Lydia. Jackson was even there, he did give Mitch a suspicious look, which did make him wonder even more at what Lydia had said. But apart from Jackson, no one looked upset or angry or fearful of him. No, Lydia must not have told anyone.

He hoped this meant she'd let him explain first, and not that she was scared that he'd do something to her if she told the pack.

"You said you'd help us fight?" Jackson said, sounding skeptical but not mocking.

Everyone shifted slightly, they had all been there when Mitch basically kicked their asses, everyone apart from Jackson.

Mitch grinned, backing up slightly.

"How about a demonstration? Jackson?"

He looked uncomfortable but walked right up to him all the same.

"Okay, punch me, just go for it" Mitch said calmly, relaxing to his own fighting stance.

"Are you-" Jackson started to say, but then Mitch threw his own punch, not giving it much effort but enough for Jackson to back away, eyes wide.

"Are you just going to stand there and let me sock you in the face?" Mitch snapped, eyes narrowing, clenching his fists.

Jackson growled lowly, his eyes flashing blue, and he finally lunched forward, fist coming up towards him. But before he could react, Mitch grabbed his wrist in an iron grasp and swung him around, throwing him to the ground.

He hit the ground hard, gaping in surprise.

Mitch's foot came down on to Jackson's neck, hard enough to be a warning, any other movement would be very damaging for him.

The pack stared, alarmed.

Mitch rolled his eyes, then looked at them all in the eyes, addressing them all "You may have super strength, but if you have no skill and someone like me comes up against you, you'll be killed"

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now