Even You...

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Mitch doesn't shake her hand, everything completely focused on Theo

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Mitch doesn't shake her hand, everything completely focused on Theo. Anna then slowly reaches out and takes hold of his gun, lowering it.

Mitch doesn't fight her, letting her do it. He knew Scott wasn't moving until he lowered his gun. As much as he was tempted to kill Theo, he didn't really want to risk hurting Scott that badly.

How did this happen?

How could they all be this naive?

It made him even more worried about if another assassin came looking for him. If it was this easy for Theo to get into the pack's ranks...

Mitch snarled at Theo, "Make one wrong move, anything suspicious, and I'll put a bullet in your skull. Scotty won't be there all the time to protect your worthless hide!"

The pack looked shocked by Mitch's anger and aggressiveness.

Scott shook his head slowly, in disbelief.

"What happened to you? Where did you go?" He asked, worriedly.

Mitch crossed his arms, finally looking at Scott.

He said rather bluntly, "I was working for the CIA"

The pack's mouth's all fell open in shock.

Anna and Theo glanced at each other.

"The CIA?" Malia said, shocked.

"Yeah" Mitch said simply.

Scott wasn't sure how to respond. If it had been years ago and someone told him Stiles joined the CIA, he would have thought they were crazy! Looking at him now, though...it wasn't hard to believe.

Scott stepped forward, frowning. His chest still ached, which was odd. It started to ache since Stiles left. He thought it would stop if he ever found Stiles again, if he proved to himself and his pack that Stiles was still alive. He thought the ache would stop and he would be happy.


He didn't feel happy, and the ache wasn't gone.

"Everyone thought you were dead! I-I thought you'd been kidnapped or something terrible had happened to you" Scott said, his voice shaking.

He suddenly realized why he was feeling this way as he processed Stiles words.

"You left because you wanted too?" Scott finally asked.

Mitch nodded, both wanting to clear that up.

Scott now knew what he was truly feeling, why he wasn't happy his best friend was finally back, or could he even call him his best friend anymore? Scott felt...betrayed.

"I can understand why you didn't want to tell some people, but why didn't you tell your father or me?" Scott asked, hesitantly.

Mitch slowly put his gun away, body relaxing, but his eyes now and again scanned their area as he spoke, never letting his guard down.

Though his voice was calm and confident, unashamed.

"I wanted to get away. I knew talking to you would have only changed my mind. I just couldn't deal with the supernatural anymore".

Scott stepped closer, looking hurt.

"Even me?" He said, in disbelief.

Mitch didn't reply for a while, he did squash down some guilt that had started to make itself known. But he was at peace with his decision.

It had taken a while, worrying about the pack, his family, Scott, but Mary had helped him with it and focus on new things, like love and relationships and his own future, not Beacon Hills.

It had been good for him, to put it all behind him.

Maybe that had been selfish, but he was okay with that.

Mary's death then had refocused him on something different, something darker, and it had honestly grasped its hold on him completely.

A little too much, Kennedy believed. That's why he was here, to find what he had lost, to find something similar to what Mary had given him and made him feel.

Not, of course, exactly what she had helped him with, he wasn't looking to start over, no one could replace Mary. But for some odd reason, he didn't know why, his eyes turned towards Anna as he thought about her, just potentially finding something to care about, something to focus on other than his job.

Mitch honestly didn't think it would work.

Trying to have a personal life and work his job just didn't go well together.

Obviously, Kennedy disagreed with him, believing his only focus on his work was not healthy.

Mitch didn't disagree, but he did however actually enjoy his job, to the point where he'd happily say goodbye to his old life again, if it meant he could completely focus on the CIA.

Mitch wasn't sure what that said about him as a person.

But he had to open up a little if he at least wanted to give this a try and, hopefully, Kennedy would get off his back.

It might even be nice, having them back in his life again, that's what he kept telling himself anyway.

"Even you" Mitch agreed, honestly.

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now