You've Never Met Someone Like Me

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Mason groaned, his backside ached, probably a side effect of being kicked on his ass so many times, but he'd actually managed to kick Stiles over a couple of times, which he was really happy about

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Mason groaned, his backside ached, probably a side effect of being kicked on his ass so many times, but he'd actually managed to kick Stiles over a couple of times, which he was really happy about. But he did have a feeling that Stiles was letting him and wasn't trying his hardest, like at all.

Occasionally when they were fighting, Mason would notice Stiles looking around at how everyone else was doing, while that was good and all, it didn't make sense to Mason how he could do that at the same time as blocking Mason's punches with ease.

Mason was attacking and Stiles was defending, sometimes Stiles would stop him and show him a new technique which would help him surprise the enemy and take them down. It was a little scary to Mason how well Stiles seemed to know the human body now, especially knowing how and where he could inflict the most damage.

Mitch couldn't stop himself from glancing at Theo now and again, he was up against Malia, both were doing pretty well. But still he could not stop the urge inside him wanting to shoot the bastard, he was so sure Theo would backstab them, and he didn't know why anyone wasn't thinking it.

Theo must have caught the looks because he stopped fighting and with a gesture told Malia he was done sparring. He turned to Mitch though still looking incredibly smug as he asked "Is there a problem?"

Mitch crossed his arms, angrily glaring at Theo, squashing down the childish urge to respond with, yeah, the problem was he was there.

Mason relaxed his fighting stance but tensed a little as the two slightly older young men both glared daggers at each other.

This...would not end well.

"Oh nothing really" Mitch muttered, giving Scott an angry look, seriously, him?

"Stiles, Theo is-" Malia said, stepping forward

"I don't want to hear it" Mitch growled, now turning back to Mason, he started to talk like nothing happened.

"Now what you need to do is-"

"I think that's a little hypercritical"

Mason winced, thinking, oh shit.

Everyone seemed to back away a little as Stiles turned to Theo quickly, his eyes narrowing as he growled, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Theo shook his head angrily as he said, not backing down, "You. You were all about not trusting me when I first came because I'd been missing for so long. Now you waltz in here, everyone gives you the benefit of the doubt, and you don't trust me? What about you, huh? Where have you been for all these years? How do we know you haven't changed?"

Mitch looked at him in disbelief, was he serious about this? Then a wave of rage swarmed his body.

"You want to pin this all on me? If anyone one of you would care to remember, I didn't trust you when you came back, and I was right. You weren't to be trusted, and you still aren't" Mitch snapped, deliberately avoiding what Theo had said about him changing as he walked towards Theo, getting in his face.

"Huh, is that right? Though here's the thing, they all do trust me. Now, how sure are you they trust you? I didn't abandon them" Theo sneered.

Okay, that was enough pretending.

Mitch had had enough.

Before anyone could react, he had his gun out, pointing directly into Theo's forehead. Then with a great shove, he backed Theo up against a tree.

Theo's eyes widened in fear and surprise.

"Stiles!" Scott shouted, shocked.

Mitch ignored him.

Theo's eyes then narrowed, he seemed to swallow down his fear and sneered "Go on, do it then, I dare you. Show them all what you are".

Mitch kept the finger from the trigger with difficulty.

"You don't know anything" Mitch snarled.

Theo still managed to say, chest rising up and down quicker, maybe it was just adrenaline at being seconds away from his possible death, or maybe he just really was crazy, "I know guys like you, I've met them before"

Though Theo shifted uneasily as Stiles expression changed, his lips curving up into a twisted smile.

He chuckled and leaned closer to him.

"Guys like me? Oh Theo, you've never met someone like me ever before, and you'll never meet someone like me again".

Mitch's eyes were dark.

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