A Good End

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No one said a word for a moment, the Sheriff letting Stiles pull himself together first before saying anything. 

"You loved her" His father said.

"Yes" Mitch said, brokenly.

"I wish-I wish I could have met her"

"You would of liked her. She was full of wonder and joy for everything"

"She sounds amazing"

"She was"

They stood next to each other, remembering the girl that one of them loved and the other wished he knew.

The Sheriff finally said "I suppose I should bring up what else I've heard from you and the pack"

"You sure you can't just fucking ignore it?" Mitch grumbled.

"I think I would be a terrible father if I did. You're an assassin? Really?"

"You sound disbelieving"

"I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't just seen you threaten to shoot Scott"

"I'm not sure if I should take that as a insult or not"

"An assassin, my son is a assassin"

"You know it won't help if you keep on repeating it"

The Sheriff shook his head as he said "Sorry it's just difficult to grasp"

He really looked at Stiles, was this the same boy that was traumatised by Donovan's death? He killed so easily now, it was hard to understand.

What happened to that boy, who'd been terrified of having killed someone all those years ago?

"You used to be so caring over life, what happened?"

"People change. I was navie back then, thinking that somehow the only real evil in the world came from the supernatural. Honestly? It was her death that changed my views on it completely. I-"

He frowned, thinking back, his eyes glazing over a little bit.

"I'd never felt so much anger in my life, it made me want to...do things I'd never really considered seriously before"

"You mean kill them" His father said slowly.

Mitch didn't reply.

"Did you?"

After some hesitation he told his father "Yeah"

"Did that...satisfy you?"

Mitch laughed without humour "What do you think? I still got this job, don't I?"

He turned away, walking away a couple of steps from his father, he was aware this was the most honest he'd even been in a long time. His hands clenched into fists. Time for the truth, it needed to be said at some stage.

"I couldn't stop thinking about them. How people like them are still out there, killing innocents like Mary, if only they were gone and no one could die at their hands again. Thats what I do. Thats what I am. Some like Scott, see killing as wrong, no matter what. I don't, as long as its to save my own life or civilians who have nothing to do with the crap they think their fighting against, then I do, find it quite easy to pull the trigger" 

Mitch looked out the closest cracked window to the mall. 

"There are more terrorists out there, planning to take control or kill. I do it for Mary, to make sure no one like her ever dies at their hands again but after doing it for so long, being one of the best in this country, you do start to feel...responsible" 

The Sheriff's expression that had been full of sympathy morphed into shock. 

"One of the best?

Mitch shrugged, like it was no big deal. 

"Thats what I'm told" 

His father said frowning "And why do I get the feeling you're actually being modest about that?" 

Well, some would argue the best in the world but Mitch didn't feel like freaking his father out anymore than he was. 

Mitch decided to add, knowing his father would have already heard about it from the pack by now or when he was confronting the pack but he'd been to angry to really remember that much of what he'd said, it been a little bit of a blur. 

"I killed Peter because I believed he'd endanger the pack or other innocent lives in the future. They may be supernatural but their still innocent civilians in the government's eyes. While Peter's history can easily be tracked back to murder, if I needed to prove I had a good reason to kill him, if it ever got out that I did, which I doubt" 

The Sheriff nodded at that, agreeing. 

Mitch looked at him confused. 

"Thats it?" 

"Whats it?" 

"I just confessed to you I killed Peter and you just agree with everything I said?" 

His father smiled but his eyes were intense "I once said I would burn down the Sheriff's station to protect you" 

He said more lightly "The offer still stands but I think wouldn't need my help on that account, you being CIA and a important person in that regards" 

Mitch couldn't stop himself from smiling, amused as he replied "Well, I have called in the president to help get me out of tight spots with the law before" 

"You haven't?" The Sheriff said, disbelievingly. 

His son couldn't be on friendly terms with the president, could he? 


Not possible. 


Mitch only gave him a broad but sly grin in response. 

Before he could pester his son about his interactions with the president, and jump up and down excitedly at Stiles high standing in the world, there was some shuffling from outside, the wolves getting bored probably. 

They knew then they should end it here but it was a good end. 

After something like this, for the first time, with his father on his side...Mitch felt good, everything might be looking up. 

But honestly? If the pack ever did something like this again, Mitch swore not even a single one of them would be safe from him. 

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now