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The bed was softer than he was used to, that was Mitch's first thought when he lay down to think about what had gone on that day

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The bed was softer than he was used to, that was Mitch's first thought when he lay down to think about what had gone on that day. It had been an interesting day to say the least.

Mitch lay on his back, turning the events around in his head. Had he been right to come back here?

After his confession, his friendship with Scott had become a little tense, but Mitch wasn't bothered by it. They'd work it out, or they wouldn't, simple as that.

It was strange thinking years ago he'd been so worried about destroying his friendship with Scott, now it felt like he hardly cared. It wasn't life or death, he hadn't seen Scott in eight years, that was normal, wasn't it? If you distanced yourself from a friend for a set period of time, it was hard to feel close to them, close to who they were personally. They were just so different now, basically strangers, living in two separate worlds.

Scott's world was full of the supernatural, fairy tales and ordinary life somehow. Mitch's world was full of secrets, violence and spies, where he could literally be targeted and killed any day, so he always had to be alert of his surroundings. They were from two different worlds, so Mitch didn't find it unnatural or strange that he didn't feel much connection to Scott or the pack anymore.

Though maybe Kennedy was right, maybe he had become so focused on his job he'd become detached from what was going on in ordinary life.

Scott and his pack were far from ordinary, but they were closer than Mitch could ever be.

Some of them had gotten married or engaged and despite the supernatural, they lived with ordinary jobs and ordinary lives.

Mitch scowled. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt a tinge of jealously. He loved his job, how he saved lives, protected people and made those scumbags pay, but someday living an ordinary life sounded good. Perhaps he could one day walk away from it all, perhaps.

However, whenever he thought about walking away from being an assassin, he didn't know if he could do it. He also had a strange, ominous feeling in his gut whenever he thought about it.

Though he had to admit, it was strange hearing how ordinary the pack's lives were compared to his own. Scott had gotten his dream job. He was a vet, working side by side with Deaton. They had even started to expand their business to people outside of Beacon Hills, both were excellent at it.

Malia had her own business online, helping to advertise different companies. It was boring, Malia had said, but it got her the money to live, so she didn't need to rely on Stilinski or her father anymore. She was still single and she liked it.

Scott hadn't said anything about his relationships, but everyone else had been more than happy to talk about others.

Malia had happily told him Lydia was now married.

Mitch had been surprised, not that Lydia was married but that she'd always hadn't seemed the type of woman to settle down, he'd been even more surprised that it was Jackson of all people. Scott has assured him though Jackson had changed for the better, he was part of the pack.

Lydia and Jackson had in fact gone to a restaurant on a date, that was why they were not here.

Lydia was a University lecturer, head of mathematics in her department and she also used to be a scientist, working with chemicals, and she'd found a couple of new formulas that were too complicated for Scott and Malia to explain.

She'd won the fields medal for the new discoveries.

Mitch had smiled. Good on Lydia, he had thought. She'd made her dream as well.

Mason was a cook at a top-notch restaurant, Liam was a fitness trainer. Hayden was a cop, working under Mitch's father. While Corey was a musician.

Anna had told him she was studying at a university, journalism, as a mature student.

Mitch then had told Theo he didn't give a damn about what he'd managed to do with his life. Which Theo wisely decided to shut up when he'd been about to say what he did for a living.

While Jackson, Scott had told him, was a sports coach. He had become a sports coach in London, then managed to move back and get his own business running, even coaching some of the Beacon Hills students.

Corey and Mason had moved in with each other while Liam and Hayden were engaged.

Everyone had moved on in their lives, grown up.

It was so strange to feel like an intruder in their lives.

He just felt so...disconnected from them.

Mitch sighed, thinking of what he needed to do. If he was staying for a while until Kennedy called him back, he needed to know his identity and his family would be safe when he left.

Mitch knew what he needed to do.

He needed to train them, at least get their fighting skills closer to his level, so they wouldn't be whooped in the ass if an assassin came looking for information on him. The pack relied on their supernatural abilities too much, it was useless against someone with skill and weapon that could kill either one of them with a pull of a trigger.

Mitch shuddered.

Snipers were the worst...

The pack needed to be able to sense something was wrong...

They needed to be able to sense something being levelled at them from far away.

They needed to be able to sense if someone was watching them...

They needed to be able to fight relying on their skill, not just brute force.

He had a lot of work to do.

Humans could sense danger, it was in their instincts, some had it stronger than others, but they could also hone that instinct, and it was life-saving for someone in Mitch's kind of work.

He should be able to teach that to them, so if someone like Mitch came calling but with more dangerous intentions, they could at least defend themselves properly without getting jumped on and roughed up.

Maybe he could even convince Scott at some point that Theo was dangerous and needed to be killed? Okay, that was a stretch, but...no one would notice if Theo happened to take a long vacation and just...didn't come back?

Mitch smiled coldly at the thought.

The dark thought actually warmed him a little inside. A dark grin on his lips as he fantasized ways he could go about that plan, if Theo pissed him off to a certain degree, which he most probably would.

Why not? He'd done it plenty of times before...

With that pleasing thought, he closed his eyes and smiled.

Yeah, Mitch thought.

It had been an interesting day.

He wondered what the next day would hold.

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now