The Dead Don't Talk

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Where is it? Where is it?! 

They'd kill him if he didn't get it! 

The draws were thrown open, clothes everywhere. 

Theo was desperate. It had to be here! They told him he had it, all he needed to do was- 

"Look what the cat dragged in or should I say coyote?"

Theo let out a snarl, growling and he through himself at who had entered the room, only to swerve of to the side as a solid punch connected to his chin. 

He caught himself before he hit the ground but before he could get up, something sharp and metal against his neck, digging so much that it drew blood and he could literally feel it almost cutting into his wind pipe. 

Theo froze. 

"Hi Theo, how are you?" Mitch sneered. 

He had a knife digging into Theo's neck. 

"I'd be better without you sticking that in" Theo growled. 

"I might not be able to stop myself to be honest" 

"How did you know?!" 

"We caught someone from your group, they blabbed" 

"They wouldn't

"You'd be surprised what people say when they think they're about to be shot" Mitch retorted. 

"Wonder why" Theo hissed then he choked as Mitch tightened his hold on the knife and pushed it it more. 

"Now, your going to answer some questions" 

"Like hell

"I don't think you're aware of your position right now, shall I make it clear to you?" 

Theo felt the knife shift away from his throat but before he could even think of reacting or attacking, there was a cocking of a gun and he could practically feel it against the back of his head. 

"Stand up"

Theo didn't move. 

"Now! Theo

He stood up, not daring to turn around, he put his hands up.

Mitch wanted to shoot him so much but first he needed whatever information Theo could give him.  

"Who is the assassin!" Mitch snarled. 

Theo laughed "You haven't guessed?" 

He didn't reply but that did answer his question, they definitely worked together. 

"You were looking for this, weren't you?" Mitch suddenly said, he took out the document then through it to Theo, allowing him to bend down and pick it up with a gasp. 

"Open it" He ordered. 

Theo didn't need to be told twice and he tensed at what he saw, his hands trembled. 

"What..." He snarled "What is this!" 

"Its the document, whats wrong Theo? Not what you expected" Mitch said mockingly. 

His eyes glimmering with delight at Theo's anger and horror that he couldn't hide. 

"It blank!" Theo screeched, throwing the document at Mitch, spinning around not moving any further, the gun now pointed directly in the middle of his face. 

"Careful Theo, I wouldn't want to ruin your pretty face" He sneered. 

"W-why is it blank!" Theo said, his voice trembling with anger and real terror. 

Mitch barely restrained himself from laughing, this was so much fun and he loved Theo's expression as he finally told the truth "Its fake" 


Mitch smiled, coldly, triumph in his eyes. 

"Its fake. We made it up to catch someone from your group. Unfortunately the guy we had died before he could tell us who he worked for, now we can do this I quote hard way or easy way" 

Theo was tense, pure horror seemed to roll of his body in waves. 

Mitch looked at him in mocking consideration then he said smile twisting "No, you know what? I don't think you deserve the easy way" 

His hand came out, shoving Theo backwards, who fell on the ground, not able to keep his balance and before he could move backwards his breath caught in his throat as Mitch moved his gun downwards and directed it straight at Theo's crotch. 

"Move and you'll screaming and whimpering like the pathetic cowardly shit you are. Don't tell me what I want? You'll also have the same fate" 

Theo didn't say anything, he looked in shock. 

Stiles wouldn't...

"Fine by me" Mitch said then moved his gun, a loud bang echoed and Theo screamed. 

His kneecap had been shattered, 

"Last time!" Mitch growled, bending down at pulling his gun closer to Theo's private area. 

Theo was pale and shivering as his knee mended itself, agonisingly painful. 

Mitch's pulled slowly on the trigger- 

"Okay! Okay! They're called YEMET! They're called YEMET! Don't-!" 

"See? Wasn't that easy?" Mitch said patronisingly. 

He stood up, gun still pointed down but he redirected it, at Theo's head, who was stumbling upwards. 

"Now, lets get this over with" 

Theo cried out, desperately "I'll tell them! I'll tell them all what you did! You fucking psycho!-" 

"Look who's talking" 

"They'll never accept you after what you've done! I'll freaking!-" 

Mitch could feel his own heart beats thrumming hard in his chest, this is what he lived for. These were the kind of people that Mitch? Really enjoyed killing. Maybe Theo was right for once? Maybe he was a little bit psycho? 

He mostly didn't have that much feelings towards people he killed. It just had to be done. But people like Theo? It felt good. 

Mitch said casually "You honestly think I care what my ex best friend I haven't seen for eight years thinks of me? Besides-" 

There was a loud shattering BANG. 

Theo Raeken's body hit the floor. 

He was dead. Theo never saw it coming. 

"-Corpses don't talk" 

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