Understanding Me

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They were about to walk out but his father called out to him. Mitch turned around and he noticed the expression on his father's face, like he was trying not to show his sorrow. 

"You're going to leave again, aren't you?" 

It was really a question but Mitch answered it anyway. 

"Eventually, yeah, I am" 

The Sheriff nodded, accepting that but Mitch could practically feel is father shouting at him through his expression, not to leave him again but he managed to stop himself and say instead.

"Can you-can you promise me something?" 

Years ago Mitch would have said yes without hesitation, this was his father after all but...he wasn't Stiles anymore. 

"What is it?" He asked carefully. 

"Can you promise me to tell me when you go?" 

Mitch opened his mouth but his father quickly said before he could say anything "I'm not asking verbally, if you have to go right away, then do that. But maybe a text or even a letter? It would help" 

"You understand then" Mitch said, after a little while. 

Not than many people understood, thats why it been so hard to make friends outside his profession, they all didn't understand. He was sure the pack wouldn't understand either. 

They didn't get that his job was more important than them. 

It wasn't arrogant or prideful, it was fact. 

If they didn't get to their job on time, they could get scolded, looked down upon or even fired. However if Mitch didn't get to his job in time? Get all the information he needed in time to complete a mission? Be where he needed to be on time? People could die. 

You had to look at things in a cold logic sense. Some jobs were more important, some lives were worth more than others. If there was a disaster and you had to choose who to save, you had to choose their was no other way, most people couldn't do it. Mitch could, if he needed to, he'd judge them, based on there innocents and their usefulness to the country. 

He knew he saved lives and he knew at the moment he was a prised asset to America. If a civilian life was in danger and his? He knew the government would choose to pull his ass out of the firing range first. He after all...was more useful to them and it would hurt them more if he was compromised. Despite the fact they could wipe their hands of him, torchere always works.

The point? His job was important. He was important, to the government security, to the countries safety. 

Most people that were not tied in with the government, law or political wise did not seem understand this. Could not deal with the fact that Mitch could not have them first priority at any time. Country came first, always.

Sure his father was part of enforcing the law and he was a Sheriff but he was still his father. Mitch had actually expected him to be the least understanding. For a son to never priorities you ever again. His father had always been Mitch's first priority when he lived in Beacon Hills, always the first. But now it couldn't be as long as he was in this profession, which would probably last up until he died. 

Mitch wasn't stupid. He knew somewhere there was probably a bullet or an explosive with his name written on it. He liked to fantasise about retirement but he knew it was more than likely he'd be killed before then. 

 "I don't like it but yes, I do understand" His father said, taking Mitch out of his morbid thoughts. 

Mitch felt everything inside him sag with relief at that. He honestly felt like hugging his old man. But he didn't feel comfortable doing it in front of the pack. 

They had come to an understanding in their eyes. 

Mitch and his father walked out of the shopping mall. Together. Unsurprisingly Scott, Lydia, Malia and Anna were on the other side, the other pack seemed to have left. There was confusion, shock, sympathy and uncertainly written along their faces. 

"Stiles" Scott said, stepping forward, relief on his face. 

Mitch scowled, did he think that just because it had turned out okay with his father, that this had been okay?! 

But he did feel...tired. Emotionally exhausted. 

So instead of shouting or ranting or physically reacting, he just turned his head away. He glanced at his father who looked sad but again, he seemed to understand. 

Understand more than the pack ever had.

Then he gave Mitch a soft smile and he turned then walked away. It was up to Mitch to sort out his problem with the pack, not his fathers job.  If he wanted to, his father was giving him an opportunity to do it now. 

But he was to tired, not physically but in his mind. 

There would hopefully be a time before he left. 

But not now. 

He couldn't deal with this now. 

He looked at them then he walked away, shock and confusion radiated through them at his blunt behaviour. They thought at least he'd talk to them.

Anna called out him. 

"Not now!" 

He didn't slow down. It wasn't her fault but right now he didn't want to talk to anyone. He just wanted to go home.

"Mitch-" Anna tried, running up to him. 

Mitch glanced at her, something flashing in his eyes, she didn't recognise before he responded.

"I said not now Anna" 

Hurt flashed across her expression, he winced at the harshness of his voice and said this time more gently, reminding himself she hadn't been part of the plan with his father and had stuck up for him "Later, okay?" 

She slowed down and stopped, letting him walk on as she said softly "Okay" 

Mitch walked home, alone. 

But he liked it that way and he actually felt...peaceful. 

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now