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Scott was in the way, he was shielding Theo

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Scott was in the way, he was shielding Theo.

"Get out of the way Scott" Mitch snarled, his body completely tense and angry.

Why was Scotty so stupid?

His finger was aching to press the trigger, he was still tempted even now, despite Scott still being in his way.

"Theo's with us! He's changed, he's good" Scott told him pleadingly.

"Even now your naivety never ceases to amaze me" Mitch retorted.

Scott couldn't believe how different Stiles looked in a split second, his body movements and expression had completely transformed him.

A couple of minutes ago, Stiles just looked improved, more lean and actually pretty badass, but that was it, now however he was something deadly and lethal.

Theo even took a step backwards, but his surprise quickly smoothed over as he smiled.

"I'm impressed" He said, "I thought you'd lean more towards the dark, but I never would have guessed it would this good on you"

"Shut your mouth, or you'll find out why I'm so good at my job" Mitch seethed. He controlled his instincts that were telling him just to shoot the evil dick and not give a damn that Scott was in his way.

Theo frowned, confused, then something flickered in his eyes and he looked curious?

"Interesting" Theo murmured.

Mitch frowned, what was that about?

Liam spoke up as he said, "Scott's right"

Malia also stepped forward, and she grimaced, but she told Mitch "I wish I could tell you differently, but honestly, while you were gone, without his help, a number of us would have been killed"

Theo looked smug, which didn't help matters at all.

"His already done this! That's why you all started to trust him. This is what he did before, before he betrayed us and almost got you killed, and he did kill Scott" Mitch retorted.

He couldn't believe this.

Malia too?

"He has changed. Wherever Kira sent him, changed him. I looked into his memories, he has been through hell, literally. He has shown us where his loyalties lay and almost got killed for us a couple of times even. We didn't believe him either at first, but he has really proved himself" Scott said earnestly.

Mitch fought down an urge to punch Scott in the face, he didn't believe for a second what they were telling him.

Trust Theo?

After everything he has done?


Not even if hell froze over would he ever put trust in that psychopath.

Mitch had actually met a couple of worse humans than Theo, he'd left them with a bullet in their skulls, sometimes even slitting their throats.


So why on earth would Theo, of all people, be any different?

"Um, I don't know what's really going on, but I can vouch for Theo, he-he saved my life actually" The women spoke up, who Mitch didn't recognize.

Her voice was very soft, the kind of voice you could never imagine shouting.

He didn't look at ever, his eyes still completely focused on Theo as he asked her coldly but sounding disinterested, "Who are you then?"

Mitch had taken note before he'd recognized Theo, she had looked very pretty.

But at the moment, all he wanted to do was kill Theo, so he didn't pay much attention to her.

"I was in a car crash. Theo got me to Scott before I died. The bite saved my life" She said.

The young women stepped in front of Mitch's eye line, holding out her hand.

Ignoring the gun pointed at Theo, she seemed confident.

"My name's Anna" She said.

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now