Chapter 5. The Way

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Chapter 5. Tyler

                   "STRAIGHT OFF THE PLANE TO A NEW HOTEL" I yelled and dramatically flipped my hair. "DRESS TOUCHED DOWN YOU CAN NEVER TELL!" Troye just kept going with his phone call while I yelled the lyrics to Midnight Memories. "BIG HOUSE PARTY WITH THE CROWDED KITCHEN" I grabbed a spoon and acted like it was a miny guitar. "People talk shh, but we don't listen" I heard Troye mumbled. I laughed and threw the spoon at him. It's 5AM, Troye leaves in 2 hours and yep, this is what happens when he stay up all night with candy. I feel so fat. "MIDNIGHT MEMORIES! RUNNING DOWN THE STREET, JUST SING IT, SING IT, SING IT, SING IT!" Troye turned down the music and started pacing.

                        "I know mom- yeah I-" Troye kept cutting himself off. "Bye mom" Troye growled and hung up his phone. He tossed his phone on my couch and stormed out of the living room to the patio. He slammed the sliding door shut and locked the door so I couldn't go outside. "Midnight Memories. Baby where we go, never say no! Just do it, do it, do it" I quietly sang as I finished making breakfast. I set the table and cleaned up everything before telling Troye to come eat.

                           I picked up the spoon that I threw at Troye and put it in the dish washer with the other stuff. I made eggs, toast, tea and bacon for Troye and I this morning. I skipped over to the sliding door before turning my music back up and knocked on the door. "Time to eat babe" I smiled at Troye. I noticed he was crying. "Troye, unlock the door." He got up and moved a plant on my patio in front of the door so I couldn't see him. "What's wrong" I asked as I sat down, leaning on the door.

                        "My mom and dad arn't spending Christmas together, so my mom is blaming me. I don't even know why she's blaming me. It's just all messed up. So now, she doesn't want me to come home" Troye sighed. "You can stay here with Niall and I for Christmas. I don't think he would mind." "But I want to see my brother, Ty." "I'm sorry.." I said quietly. "But if I go home, my mom will probably kick me out" Troye said softly with no emotional at all.

                     I heard Troye move the plant and unlock the sliding door. He walked passed me and closed the door behind him. I smiled up at him. He sat down on the floor, across from me, "You sure he won't mind?" "I'm positive." Now I get my best mate and my boyfriend here for Christmas! And soon my mom is coming to California. I'm officially excited. Troye smiled, "Alright."


                            I sat in the airport with Troye, strolling through Tumblr on my phone. "We should just do a ask Troye and Tyler. His plane won't be here for another 30 minutes" Troye said as he looked at the ground. "Fine, you tweet about it first. I'm reading something" I lied. Troye nodded and took his phone out. I went off of Tumblr and went onto Twitter. 'Boredom in the airport with Troye! So, going to do a #AskTroyler ! Start sending us questions with  #AskTyler or #AskTroye' And sent. Troye held up his phone as if we were taking a selfie and I started to load up the messages. "We doing this on your channel" I asked not taking my eyes off my phone. "Yep" Troye said. "Hey what's up you guys, It is Troye Sivan, and I am in the amazing California airport with" Troye looked at me. "Tyler Okaley" I laughed. Troye rolled his eyes at me, "We are currently in a airport because were waiting for someone, arn't we Tyler?" "Mhm" I hummed.

                        "So we descided to make a video. So let's get to it" Troye looked at me, waiting for me to read a question. "What do you two mostly hate about each other?" "I hate.. How Tyler always takes forever in the shower." "I pay to get water. I should be able to have a long shower" I rolled my eyes, "Anyways, what I hate about Troye is how he always leaves a mess somewhere." "That is true" Troye laughed. I heard some lady say something over a loud speaker about a plane and it made me jump. Troye laughed again. "Oh god" I said and held my heart.

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